1. "So, do you just get to look at Pinterest all day?!"
No, no I do not. I wish I did. I occasionally use Pinterest to find inspiration photos for my projects, but that is usually the last thing I'm doing.
2. "I can't wait for you to come help me with my house when you graduate!"
Sure, I'll be glad to help you with your house. But let's get a couple things straight- I am not a decorator. I am going to do more than help you pick out curtains. I am not going to help you for free just because we know each other- this is my actual job that I am going to school for. Take me seriously, trust me, I'm designing your home.
3. "Interior Design... So that's a two year program for your Associate's, right?"
*SIGHS* Now, there's nothing wrong with people who go to school for their Associate's, I'm not dissing that. But this is something we hear a lot. That our major is something of lesser value.
No, I actually go to school where my major is a Bachelor of Science in a four year program. I'm going through the same sha-bang your business major son is going through.
4. "You actually have to go to school for that?!"
Yeah! You do! Guess what! I learn a bunch of safety codes and building codes, and I learn a lot about the human body, as well as laws and branding. Not just anyone can do this! In many states (go MA!) being an Interior Designer is (becoming) a recognized profession that you have to pass an exam to call yourself. And many schools are accredited by nationally and internationally recognized associations, ensuring that the students are getting the best education. This is a huge thing I could go on about!
5. "That must be such a fun and easy major!"
Oh don't get me wrong, it really is. I adore it. But it is hard. So, so hard. We do a lot of work. And that means doing work by hand (hand drafting, sketching, building models) and computer work (so many computer programs). Countless nights have been spent at the lab, endless trips to Starbucks... My classmates quickly became my best friends because of the amount of time we spend together. This is one of the most time consuming majors (that's the conclusion I've come to) you can chose, but it also one of the best!