I wanted to write this article because I get really upset when people negatively comment on our generation. They say that we lack the basic manners, we are into ourselves, and we lack the enthusiasm to change the world. Now, some of the things that people say have some truth, but if anything we have been the most inclusive generation to date. So, before I go on an unorganized rant about why it is a good and bad thing to be a millennial, here is a list!
1. We feel entitled.
I went to my little sister’s senior awards ceremony, and a teacher there expressed how this generation feels as though they are entitled to everything. That’s a fact! As millennials, we have been babied by our loved ones and taught that we deserve the world. We even got participation awards for losing a competition! Like, what is that? If anything, the world does not owe us anything. In order to earn something, we must work for it.
2. We all need validation.
We go on social media and we seek attention. If we do not have “x amount of likes” on a picture or “x amount of followers” we automatically assume that we are not worthy. Why are we constantly validating ourselves by the number of likes we got on a tweet or a picture? It does not measure how amazing our personality is. I mean, some of the most influential people had a small group of followers.
3. We lack manners.
This statement is a half-and-half. I know that there are some people in this generation who are helpful individuals. They hold doors open for people, and if someone asks for help, they give it to them. However, I do notice when others around my age don’t hold the door open for strangers, say thank you when a stranger does something nice for them, or say hi to the person sitting next to them. It is simple. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
4. The only way we are ever honest is through a screen.
When is the last time you told someone how much you appreciate and love everything they do? When we talk to our crush, that’s the only way we will ever confess to them how much we like them. Or, when someone says something we don’t like, we automatically attack them through social media because we won’t have the guts to say it to their face. If only we were as brave in person as we are through a virtual world.
5. We have so many resources to change the world, but we lack the enthusiasm to do it.
Remember when we were small and said we wanted to be the President of the United States. We still have the ability to change the world even if we can’t necessarily become president. We have technology that enables us to influence others in ways that people could not in the past. We just have to set our mind to our goal, and ignore things that prevent us from doing better.
1. We are inclusive.
We have been the most accepting generation that has existed. We beat those who discriminated against minorities, and we are accepting to those who identify as bisexual, gay, lesbian, or transgender. We take everyone as they are.
2. We love being diverse.
Whether we are Hispanic, Asian, White, or Black, we all fight for each other rights. If one side is attacked, we defend each other. We are united when we are faced with adversity, and we unite to fight the common enemy.
3. We enjoy helping out.
Whether it is the problem with Syrian refugees or fighting against third world poverty, we want to ensure that everyone out there is capable of being as successful as we are. We know what it means to give back. Not only that, but companies like Toms give shoes to those in need with every purchase. We tend to support those businesses more.
4. We have big goals.
Some people will look at this in a bad way, but I feel that it makes us greatly unique. We know that we all have it in us to positively impact the world, and that is an amazing thing! We set up all these goals in our head because we know that we are capable of attaining them.
5. We know how to work together.
Let’s be honest! If we all felt like a test was hard, we all encourage each other and say “If you go down, I am going down with you!” We seek for deep relationships with one another, and try to interact with each other at a personal level.
6. We know we have the power to change the world.
No matter how negative the older generations view us millennials, we know we are the ones cut out to save the world. We want to help those who aren't as privileged as us, and we know we have the solutions to fix things like climate change. With our critical thinking and creativity skills, we have the power to impact the world for better.