This life is full of trials, hardships, and uncertainty, but we are fortunate enough to have promises from our Savior that we can cling to in these times. As His daughters, He wants nothing more than us to hold on to and believe these promises with our whole hearts.
1. He is constant.
Nothing is forever in our life, except God. As people come and go, He will forever remain. How amazing is it that we serve an unchanging God? We can find peace in this promise that He will always be there for us to turn to in our ever-changing world.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."
-Hebrews 13:8
2. He provides.
Because of Him, we have no reason to worry. We can trust God with something as simple as meeting our basic, everyday needs, or something as complex as giving us the strength and support we need to get through the situations in which He puts us. He will never bring us into a situation that He has not equipped us for. God is also a provider of people. He will bring people into our lives to be vessels--to teach, support, and love.
"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Jesus Christ."
-Philippians 4:19
3. He has a plan.
This life is a constant journey through the unknown. When we think we know what our future will be like, God has a funny way of turning our plan around or stopping us in our tracks which can be extremely scary. Luckily, we can rest in His promise that He has a plan, and even though we may not understand it in the moment, if we are obedient to His call, it will become clear and it will be greater than anything we have ever or could ever imagine.
"Jesus replied, 'You don't understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.'"
-John 13:7
4. His grace is enough.
We are broken people. We sin and we stray from God, but that is no match for His grace. Greater than our sin is his abounding grace, even on our worst days. We are unworthy, but we are constantly saved and redeemed. He is generous and blesses us with more grace than we will ever deserve.
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and it is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God."
-Ephesians 2:8
5. His love never fails.
This is God's ultimate promise. No matter how many times we may fail Him, He love for us is unfailing. We will never be able to fathom the extent of His love. It surpasses all human understanding. This promise to us transcends all human comprehension, exceeds all limitation, and surpasses all our imagination. Even though we are unworthy and we seek love from people on earth, we can rely on our Heavenly Father to pour His abounding love into us at all times and no love here on earth could ever compete.
"Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God."
-Romans 8:39