In college, it can be difficult to balance every area of your life well. You have to keep track of your schoolwork, while maintaining a social life, exercising and eating well, and don’t forget about getting plenty of sleep. You have so many things you have to do and sometimes you feel like you’re juggling a thousand things at one time.
Don’t fear: here are five apps that will help you make the transition into adulthood a little less terrifying.
So here they are:
1. Glass Planner
This app is extremely helpful in helping organize your life. You can keep track of multiple calendars at once and build checklists within each event. It also allows you to merge to-do lists and appointments into one nice schedule of your day. Glass is easy to use and one of the most efficient planners on the app store.
2. Every Dollar
Money is a lot harder to keep track of now that we aren’t just paying for food and coffee. You have rent, utilities, gas, clothes, textbooks, and let’s not forget about your Netflix subscription. This app helps you direct all of your money into specific places so that you don’t blow every penny of that pay check. Every Dollar even has plans to help you achieve financial goals, such as building your savings account and/or paying off student loans. All you have to do is enter in your transactions into your monthly budget.
3. Freeletics
You probably want to get that beach bod for summer as well, but may not have a good way to get started. You may be one of those people that walks into a gym and automatically feels overwhelmed. Freeletics actually has three app:, Gym, Running, and Workouts & Training. These apps have detailed workout plans with videos and tips on how to do each exercise well! The running app helps you keep track of your distance and will even give you updates throughout your run to let you know how you’re doing! This app is especially great for people who may need a more flexible workout schedule.
4. Google Drive
Sometimes it can be very challenging to keep up with notes, homework assignments, and other various documents. This app helps clean up some of the mess in your backpack. You can create word documents for note taking so that you don’t have to keep up with a notebook. Also, you can create power point presentations and excel sheets that will be automatically saved to the drive. Another awesome tool this app offers is the ability to work on documents with other people. You just have to share the document with your partner and you both can work at the same time and communicate while in the app! Google Drive can also be accessed on every one of your devices so that you don’t have to have your computer with you all the time.
5. Forest
This helps you stay focused when working on assignments and projects. It lets you start a digital forest by being productive! When you start, it begins growing a tree in your garden. If you close the app to do something else on your phone, the tree dies. So, the longer you stay focused, the better your forest will look! The purpose of this app is to help you stay off your phone so you don’t become so addicted! It also logs how much time you spend in different activities such as, sleep, work, and school.
Download these apps and I guarantee that you will be more productive. Being organized will help you avoid stress and enjoy life more, even in the little things. So give it a try, I doubt you’ll regret it!