There are times where you hear poems that just hit you in your gut, capturing harsh realities. Especially when they are on painful topics like depression and suicide. We have all been affected by it, whether you've considered suicide or know someone who has. If people who are considering ending their lives could watch these five slam poems, I think many could see the love people have for them and the implications of their choice.
If you or someone you know has thoughts of suicide, call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255
1. "A Letter To Sara"- Jared Singer
“It wouldn’t even take a single debt to cover this body with all the nice things they didn’t think you needed to hear”
2. "I Won’t Write Your Obituary"- Nora Cooper
“I can’t write music but I’ll find Rihanna and I’ll get her to write you music if it’ll get you to dance a little longer.”
3. "14 Lines From Love Letters or Suicide Notes"- Doc Luben
“How do we forgive ourselves for all the things we did not become?”
4. "Today Means Amen"- Seirra DeMulder
“Do you remember the moment you realized they were watching, when you became ashamed of how much light you were holding, when you first learned how to un-love yourself?”
5. "Joey"- Neil Hilborn
“I wonder how many kids like Joey wanted to die and were unlucky enough to actually pull it off. How many of those kids had someone who cared about them but also had to pay rent?”