The holiday season brings on a whole wave of emotions, and you’re probably feeling one or more of the same things that I am after all of the Christmas and New Year’s shenanigans are over:
1. Relief: I don’t know about everyone else, but the holiday season causes me a decent amount of stress. I spent the entire month before Christmas shopping around and scouring the Internet for the perfect presents for my family, my roommates, and my best friends at home. After constantly being told by my mom to clean the clothes off my floor, get ready to go to Uncle whoever’s house, and waking up in the morning to my dad blasting Italian opera music while he cooks, I am welcoming the quiet-ness with open arms. There is so much to plan and do during the holidays that the end of the season feels like a wave of calm.
2. Exhaustion: After seven Christmas and New Year’s parties my sleep schedule is extremely messed up. I slept in until 2 p.m. the other day! My crazy family and wonderful friends tire me out to the max, but I still love spending time with all of them…even if that means not getting to go to bed until 4 am.
3. Full: My dad is a wonderful cook, and so are a lot of the people in my family. The amount of food babies I had during the week of Christmas was unbelievable. I felt like I gained a pound for every family gathering I attended…I probably did, but I am not about to step on the scale and check.
4. Thankful: My family and friends spoiled me this year. I cannot thank them enough for the wonderful presents they gifted me. Around this time every year I reflect on the fact that my life is so blessed. God blessed me with a loving family, great friends, a well-rounded education, and everything in-between. I am extremely thankful to be able to see and spend time with most of my extended family, and that everyone is well or on the road to full health.
Thank you to everyone who made my holiday season special.5. Excited: Now that Christmas is over I am excited to start counting down until next Christmas! Although I am half joking, I am always excited to experience the holiday season with my family. The New Year also makes me excited for what lies ahead; after 2015 being one of the hardest years of my life, I am happily welcoming 2016 for the chance at a fresh start and an opportunity to improve my life.
Now that I am in college I don’t just experience pure joy and excitement around the holiday season. Being somewhat more of an adult than I was a few years ago has humbled me when it comes to my feelings about Christmas. Over the past few years I have able to look past the presents, understand the true meaning of Christmas, and enjoy the stress and exhaustion that comes along with it.