Performance poetry is something little known, until you stumble into that one video on Youtube and reemerge from the Internet three hours later, in love with another form of art. People find poetry completely unrelatable but that's because they've never seen what poetry could do. And I mean see. With performance poetry, you cannot just read the poem. At the very least, an audible recording is required to get a fraction of the artist's intended effect. And here's five prime performance poetry videos that absolutely prove that.
1. Dylan Garity- "Friend Zone"
Here's one guy who knows how to deliver a classic plot-twist. I won't give it away, but he's one kind of "-ist".
2. Megan Falley- "Fat Girl"
Megan Falley is the kind of strong woman that shows that it's not about being strong despite what you are. It's about being strong because you're a human and you deserve to stand tall. Period.
3. Patrick Roche- "Siri: A Coping Mechanism"
Because sometimes it's what you don't say. What you were never brave enough to say. What people will never get to say- because neither one could start the conversation.
4. Bobby Crawford & Kieran Collier- "Legos (Unfinished Masterpieces)"
Poetry doesn't have to be stodgy, and these two prove it. Oh, and for anyone who thought that only one person could make a poem, you are so sorely mistaken, my friend. Pull up a chair. Click on the link- watch the hilarity ensue.
5. Neil Hilborn- "OCD"
Hands down my favorite modern poet. Performance poetry for this guy is really a performance. You feel every word. If this doesn't convince you that poetry is for everybody, I'm not sure anything can.
That's just a taste, but I hope you've become hooked. If you have, there are plenty of poetry clubs right here in ole' NYC where you can get another fix; I suggest the Bowery Poetry Club. If you're not quite convinced, scroll back up and watch those videos again.