Not too long ago, one of my teammates was having trouble with inspiration. She had said that she struggled coming up with content to submit every week. What she didn't know is that we all go through it. We all struggle coming up with something to write about, and there are weeks for all of us that we just can't find something to write about. It happens; we are creators. Artists do not always have a muse and cannot always find something to paint, draw, sing, or write about. What happened next inspired this article. Here are five of the places that I have either gotten or witnessed amazing support.
1. As this incident happened with the Odyssey Online, I feel that it is only right to start with them. When I or my fellow creators are having trouble coming up with content, or have some reason that we cannot submit an article that week, the amount of support we get is outstanding. When my fellow creator shared her doubts, so many of our fellow creators jumped in to support. We gave ideas on where to find inspiration, our own personal doubt stories and even gave ideas on what she could write about.
2. Network marketing. At this point, I'm sure a decent amount of you are rolling your eyes and thinking "Ugh, really?" Yes, really. Though I have witnessed such amazing support from so many people, I know there are people who do not get a lot of support. This entirely depends on your team. For me, my team is with It Works! and I don't think I have ever witnessed so much support for one another as I have with them. There are many other types of network marketing, each with their own businesses and business models, but again I say, I have never witnessed so much support in one place. From everything from corporate to new distributors, you have so many people rooting for you.
3. My gym. I know a lot of people do not like going to gyms because they don't want people watching them. Honestly, most people don't. Most gyms are a mix of super buff people, moderately healthy people and people trying to get healthy. There are trainers there to help you, but other than that, no one really interacts. The gym I go to is amazing in that, we have that mix, but we are not afraid to tell someone that we've noticed their body changing. We try to support everyone and push them to reach their goals. Granted, my gym is in a small town in Arkansas so there aren't that many to keep track of, the support we get is amazing none the less.
4. Sports teams. Throughout the years, I have noticed the amount of support that occurs on sports teams. You spend so much time with one another that you can't help but to form a family like bond with your teammates and support each other through everything. One of the major perks of being on a team is the amount of support you get, not only from your teammates and coaches but also your fans.
5. Social media. I know that there is SO much negativity that goes on on social media. I've witnessed it first hand. That being said, I have also witnessed tons of support from people on social media. Some from close friends and family, some from that one person you know but aren't really friends with and even from complete strangers. Not everyone on social media is out to start drama or tear you down. Some people are genuinely happy for you and your accomplishments and are also willing to give advice when you need it.