As someone who has lived a privileged life, born into a family that has been able to provide for me much more than I could ever ask for. This holiday season I would love to take a moment to urge you to reach out the less fortunate in the Cincinnati area. The homeless population has come a long way in Cincinnati ever since I began living here 20 years ago. The most up to date statistics I could find on the current homeless population comes from shelter house website which says. "7,810 – number of confirmed homeless people. 3,435 – number of confirmed homeless men. 2,111 – number of confirmed homeless women. 48% suffer from mental illness. 14% are veterans. 30% are chronically homeless." ( As someone who has worked in downtown Cincinnati and have served the homeless multiple times, my passion for the homeless population is so deep. Weather its your time or a donation of whatever you can afford, any sort of contribution will benefit in so many ways. Here are some of places were you can donate, and volunteer this holiday season.
1. The Lord's Gym
Religious or not I spent time serving the homeless here every Saturday for about three months. My family and I would bring soup and bread, along with bowls and silverware. We would set it up on a table and open the door for anyone who was in need. This was always such a moving experience as a young teenager, being able to see the smile on these peoples faces as I served them a hot bowl of soup. We would also spend time talking and interacting with the people we served. They would tell stories or talk about their current situation. Each person unique in their own wonderful way.
The Lord's Gym is an out reach program for at risk men, providing them with a place to weight life and grow in their belief in the Lord. If you would like to volunteer here or donate you can visit the site and click on "get involved" or "Donate".
2. Matthew 25 Ministries
Although this non profit doesn't benefit the Cincinnati homeless population, it helps the world wide poverty issue. I've volunteered here many times, when you arrive they take you through a quick training based on what you will be doing that day. Also you watch a short film about the poverty world wide and how important it is to reach out to these countries. Then you go into this huge warehouse where there are pallets of many things. The few times I volunteered here I spent my time un packaging sample packages of laundry detergent. These packages will be sent out to help different countries in need.
You can come here individually any time a day or sign up to come in a big group of people. This ministry is full of so much passion for poverty around the world. It's simple to help out here, the link is below.
3. Freestore Food Bank
I've never personally volunteered here but I've heard many great things here. Here is the brief description of what is involved in volunteering here. "Volunteers are a vital part of the Freestore Foodbank’s strategic plan to provide 50 million meals by the year 2020. Every time you volunteer, you will leave knowing that you have helped to provide Food, Connection and Hope for our neighbors in need.
In 2015, over 10,000 volunteers contributed over 84,000 hours of service to the Freestore. We need volunteers every day to pack Power Packs and Senior Boxes for the youngest and oldest in our community, sort food donations to be sent to our Community partners, provide customer service at our Food Room (pantry), plant and harvest crops at the farm, assist with special events throughout the year and provide talents and skills for dozens of other activities that help people when they are in crisis." (
4. Ronald McDonald House Charities
I volunteered here as a young child, I remember my mom explaining to me on the car ride over that these kids are very sick but are still just like you. We are going to serve these kids and their families food along with play with the kids. We walked through the front door and were greeted by a very nice woman. Then lead into this kitchen/playroom area with lots of kids and their families. At first I was overwhelmed by all the new kids, but soon I began playing and everything seemed normal. We all ate together and I remember meeting some of the nicest kids their.
I would love to go back here now as an adult, I feel like my experience would be so different. Also giving these kids just a moment to meet new people, and get served a good meal is something that could make their day. Here is the link to the website where you can look into volunteering.
5. Cincinnati Red Cross
Most people have given blood, not me. Very scared of needles, yes I've given blood at the doctors but never volunteered. At the Red Cross you can not only give blood, but also help raise money for disaster relief. Disasters happen everyday around the world and the Red Cross is constantly raising money for these disasters. If you want to give blood or help raise money for disaster relief here is the link below.
Volunteering can not only help your local community but also make your heart feel warm and more connected to your community. Volunteering has taught me to not judge the people who are less fortune than me. Also to love all people regardless of their disabilities, money, or addictions. Volunteering as a family or just on your own can really change your perspective.