Since the release of "Pokèmon Go," I have heard many complaints by critics, saying that millennials need to stop playing the game and be adults. Well, times change, and games and adulthood now can go hand in hand. There are many places in the Cincinnati area where young adults, such as myself can go and 'adult' while also becoming the pokèmon masters we are at heart!
1.) Downtown / Fountain Square
Fountain square is a beautiful, and iconic place in the center of Cincinnati. It's famous for all of the shopping, bars and restaurants; basically it's a night life hub. However, that's not all it is! Fountain square is also an amazing area for catching Pokèmon. In addition to being a place to catch Pokèmon, it also has enough pokèstops to last!
2.) Smale Riverfront Park / Sayler Park
Smale Park is a relatively new park along the riverfront. It was built a few years ago and has really stayed a beautiful park. Not only is it amazing for long walks, dates, and even photography; but it is a Pokèmon hot spot. I frequent Smale Park because of the abundance of water and rock types, plus the pokèstops follow the river so there's a beautiful view!
3.) Over the Rhine
Over the Rhine is a popular night life destination, similar to fountain square, however my focus in Over the Rhine are the bars. About a week ago the area was home to the first ever pokè-bar crawl. Filled to the brim with Pokèmon, Pokèstops, and beer, over the Rhine is a good place for late nights, without sacrificing your progress
4.) Jungle Jims (Fairfield, Ohio)
Okay, If you live in the Cincinnati area and haven't been to Jungle Jims, then get your phone and go now. Jungle Jims is a quite famous international market found only in Cincinnati. It is a huge store filled with tons of food from different countries, as well as clothes and other essential items. With the release of Pokèmon Go, my love for the store has only grown stronger. The grocery is home to a bunch of pokèstops, as well as two gyms. So why not try some new foreign food, and play Pokèmon while you're at it?
5.) University of Cincinnati
The University of Cincinnati is where I spend most of my Pokèmon time. There are multiple gyms on campus as well as a bunch of pokèstops jam-packed into the university. In my experience, the engineering quad has been the best place for Pokèmon, since it is surrounded by three pokèstops which almost always have lures on them. So if you have the chance, stop by and catch some Pokèmon!
Just because you have a day job doesn't mean you can't become a Pokèmon master. Go out there and get hunting!