5 Places All "One Tree Hill" Fans Need To Visit In Wilmington, North Carolina | The Odyssey Online
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5 Places All "One Tree Hill" Fans Need To Visit In Wilmington, North Carolina

5 Places All "One Tree Hill" Fans Need To Visit In Wilmington, North Carolina
Shelby Klakulak

Wilmington, North Carolina is one of the most peaceful places on Earth. It's clean, absolutely beautiful and full of the nicest people in the United States. And if that's not enough to get you to visit there, it is also home to the CW's hit teen drama, "One Tree Hill." All nine seasons were filmed in Wilmington and many of the filming locations are still available for fans to visit. Here are five places that are essential for "One Tree Hill" fans to visit.

1. The "Naley" bench.

You know that scene where it's the first time Haley James tutors Nathan Scott? We all know that he's just trying to screw with his half-brother, Lucas, by getting close to his best friend. But then Nathan pulls out a Cracker Jack box, finds a bracelet and slips it on Haley's wrist, all while muttering the words "Don't say I never gave you anything." Iconic. Life changing. That was the most that I'm sure all of us "One Tree Hill" fans fell in love with Nathan Scott.

Luckily for us, you can still visit the bench where that scene took place. It is right on the dock and right behind the Downtown visitor's center. It is hard to miss because the entire thing is covered in sharpie graffiti from other fans! (P.S. Rumor has it, James Lafferty visits the Naley bench every time he's in Wilmington and checks out the messages fans have left!)

2. The bridge from the opening credits.

"I don't wanna be anything other than what I've been tryna be lately..." We all know the song and if you're lucky, some of the neighboring houses will be blaring that song for you as you cross the bridge. The bridge is known as the 6th Street Bridge around Wilmington and is located smack dab in the middle of a residential area. Like the Naley bench, the bridge is covered in written quotes and messages from the show.

3. The River Court.

The River Court was one of the most important places in the show. Unfortunately, the court no longer exists because it was torn down a couple of months after the series wrapped. However, you can still visit the site where the river court used to be. It is located at the USS North Carolina Battleship.

4. Brooke Davis' house.

"The Girl Behind The Red Door." Sound familiar? Brooke Davis' house (red door and all) is one of the most popular filming locations in Wilmington. It is located at 2341 Tattersalls Dr. It is private property, but the owners still allow people to take pictures. The only thing they ask is that you take pictures from the sidewalk. When a OTH convention is in town, the owners usually have a cooler full of water bottles and/or a lemonade stand set up for fans. Southern hospitality at its finest!

5. Karen's Cafe/Clothes Over Bros.

From season one to season four (and then season nine where it made a comeback!) the corner of Front and Grace was home to Karen's Cafe. Then from season five to season nine, it was Brooke's clothing store, Clothes Over Bros. Right now this location is a Port City Java. However, Port City Java occasionally morphs into Karen's Cafe for OTH fans!

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