Going to college is a huge step into adulthood. College offers a lot more freedom and opportunities to make decisions for yourself compared to high school. It's intimidating to be thrown out of your comfort zone, surrounded by thousands of new people, and living away from home. Although college can be stressful to think about, there are a lot of exciting things to come. Here is some advice for the college freshman in the year 2020.
Trust Yourself.Â
It is easy to question yourself when having to make so many decisions. Trust that you can make decisions for yourself. Trust your previous experiences and that you are prepared for obstacles to come, and that will handle them to the best of your ability. If you make a mistake, you make a mistake.
Try New Things.
Trying new things can be scary. Trying new things means there is room for messing up or making mistakes; however, it also means you get to know yourself better, and you may even find gifts you never knew you had. You don't want to look back on your college days and have regrets about not taking advantage of what college has to offer.
Don’t Be so Hard On Yourself.
Grades are important, don't get me wrong, but putting so much pressure on yourself is unhealthy. It is okay to take breaks; it is okay to have fun; it is okay to put time into things other than your classes. Don't be so hard on yourself and enjoy your new experiences that are ahead.
Don’t Forget to Work Hard.
I know I just said don't be hard on yourself, and I mean that, but don't get so lost in having fun that you forget to work hard. College is the time to learn about your field and become your best self. Prioritize your work, and have time designated for yourself and others.
Make Dependable Friends.
Most college students find their way into friend groups that can encourage peer pressure or risky behavior due to being not their own for the first time. However, it is more important to have dependable friends who you can always call, then to have friends that only call to ask you to go to parties.