As a 17-year-old, I've been told that I have no idea what I'm talking about in regards to politics. I'm too young to understand; I'm not a taxpayer; how can I have an opinion about taxes? I'm 17, there's no way I can possibly affiliate myself with a political party. Seriously y'all, I've had people say these things to me, and now I'm here to help you. Here are five pieces of advice for young people like me who want to involve themselves in the world of politics.
1. Learn your history.
History is without a doubt the most important class we take in school, for several reasons. The first reason being that it's nearly impossible to thoroughly understand any current event and why different dates are as important as they are without a knowledge of the events of the past. The next reason is that there have been some pretty gruesome events in our past, and it's critical that we educate ourselves and stand for what's right to ensure that certain events of the past don't creep their way into the present or future. Also, if you don't know the name of the man below, any Republican you come across will probably think you're a joke. Learn your history.
2. Educate yourself.
This is slightly related to the first piece of advice, but on a much broader scale. Don't be the person who claims to be interested in politics but is unwilling to educate themselves on anything related to politics. Learn not only your history, but learn the basics of economics, talk to adults about how politics have affected their lives and the decisions they're allowed to make. Learning about politics at our age is much more difficult because we sit in classrooms learning math, science, english and history. Political issues are not typically discussed in our classrooms, and that doesn't mean that you can't become a politically-educated young person, it just means that you're going to have to try harder to get where you want to be.
3. Form your own opinions.
This is me telling you to steer clear of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any major social networking site while you're trying to figure out what you believe in. If you haven't laid yourself a solid foundation, it's much easier to be swayed by the opinions of people you know on Twitter, and at that point you're just cheating yourself really. Take the time to decide for yourself what you believe without allowing anyone to influence you - are you pro-choice or pro-life? Do you want to live in a country with larger government or would you prefer more limited government? What do you believe in regards to immigration? Do yourself a favor and allow yourself to lay a foundation - you'll thank yourself when someone comes up and asks you how you feel about North Carolina's House Bill 2, and you're not forced to make this face:
4. Listen.Once you solidify your beliefs on a magnitude of different topics, you're probably ready to start having conversations with your family and peers, and this is when you really define yourself. Will you choose to be tolerant of the opinions of others or will you be one of the people who shuts them down at the first word you disagree with? Listening is such an important aspect in politics, and way too many people forget they have ears. If you expect others to listen to your opinions respectfully, you need to be a decent human and do the same for them.
5. Go out into the world and become an activist.
This is my fifth and last piece of advice that I have for you, so here goes: Go out and get yourself ready to make some positive change! Now that you're educated on your history and current events, have solid opinions and have become tolerant of others, you're ready to spread your wings and fly. This last step may be one of the hardest ones, but it's definitely the most rewarding. Apply for internships and fellowships within your community. If you're passionate about a specific movement, figure out ways to get involved with that movement. If you're not looking to pursue a career in politics, getting involved with something you're passionate about is always fun and a good way to meet people with similar values. If you are looking to work in politics, then getting involved is a great way to get your foot in the door.
Never forget that we are the next generation. We are young, but that doesn't devalue our capabilities. Always remember that the time for change is right now and there is nothing stopping us from being a part of it.