As the summer is coming to an end and August is soon to be upon us, change is in the air. You've experienced months of those who don't understand asking you "Isn't that a little expensive just to go party with friends every night?" and those who totally get it screaming "You're about to have the best years of your life with your forever sisters!" You've hit all the right sales, bought the cutest shoes with the right amount of comfort to last all day and rehearsed a thousand smiles in the mirror. It's almost time to head to your college town and experience the houses, bonds and values of hundreds of girls. Here's a few sentiments (from a sorority sister herself) to help you push through your week:
1. Go in with your mind wide open.
I know you've already heard it a million times, but there's a reason for that. I don't care if your mom, aunt, grandma and great grandma were all Kappa Zeta Delta Phi Beta Whatevers. The truth is, while being a legacy is an amazing thing and is something to treasure, you are not those who have come before you. If you fall absolutely in love with the same house your relatives did, that rocks. Run there with your arms wide open. However, it is completely okay to begin something new. You will find that in making the decision to follow your heart you will ultimately be deciding to join a sisterhood that welcomes you, loves you and knows you best (which will matter a whole lot more in the long run). Also, even if your brother and all his friends beg you not to join the "ugliest sorority," walk into their house looking far past the outside appearance. That goes for every house all week (and everyone else you meet in life after that). You are not there to tag the most insta-famous girls in your pictures. You are there to find a maid of honor or a best friend to call when you're 50 and you just need a night to forget about how fast life moves. News flash: throughout your most precious moments, her waist size and eyeliner will indeed change. Her heart will be what is tied to you forever.
2. Don't be afraid to be honest about yourself.
In a house full of girls who intimidate you, do not think any less of or shy away from yourself. If you were a theatre geek in high school, tell them that. If you don't drink or enjoy partying, let them know. Do not assume there is a list of things you need to change in order to fit in with any sisterhood. Being honest with them allows them to accurately decide whether or not you'd feel comfortable in their sisterhood, and if they decide you wouldn't it is not because you weren't good enough. It's because their panhellenic love for you wants what's best for you and they know you may be happier somewhere else. In being your complete, amazing, God created self, you will be able to find your home so much easier. It doesn't matter who you are. There is a sisterhood for you and there are wonderful people who want to support and love all your weirdness.
3. Keep your conversations intentional and interesting.
Sometimes a conversation that only consists your favorite kinds of sushi is fun. If you feel like you're bonding over that sushi, then this does not apply to you. However, if three awkward silences later you're finding yourself making up random sushi names just to keep words coming out of your mouth, you might have a problem. Don't be afriad to ask the things you want to know about their sisterhood. The home that's right for you will eloquently answer those questions with everything you want to hear. If you feel led to tell them about your biggest life dreams or your worst fears on earth, do that. If you have the most hilarious story about that time you accidentally drove on the wrong side of the road, go with that. It's important to make sure that you fit everything about your personality you want into that short conversation while also leaving that potential sister remembering you. It's not a lot of time, so think through things you might want to talk about and consider what impression those things will leave ahead of time so you can confidently engage in some amazing conversations.
4. Don't speak negatively about any of the other houses.
Although it might seem like a good way to let them know how much you prefer their house, stay away from complaining about anywhere else. For one, this goes against the panhellenic sisterhood value that every school should be working towards. At the end of the day, you are all beautiful, intelligent and strong Greek women, so you should be respecting them as such. Secondly, this may cause them to wonder what you've been saying about their house in any of your other rounds. It doesn't exactly show that you're the most trustworthy or loving potential sister on the block. Just try to make it a positive experience for yourself and everyone around you, and your week will be a lot more fun and relaxing!
5. Use your Recruitment Counselor like crazy.
Whether your school calls her a Pi Chi, a Rho Chi, or something else, your recruitment counselor has gone through so much just to ensure that you have a memorable and rewarding experience. She has disaffiliated with the place she calls home and the girls she loves dearly in order to give you her unbiased and focused advice. If you're stuck between two houses, if someone did something that made you feel upset or pressured or even if you just need a person to sit and eat a snack with, your recruitment counselor will be there. They know all the ins, outs and in betweens of recruitment, and no question is too dumb or too hard for them. Allow them to guide you and to help you sort through whatever feelings your process may bring. You might even find out at the end of the week that she's actually now your sister!
No matter what recruitment throws at you, have fun and be yourself. You have made the right decision by deciding to go greek, and nothing beats the feeling of running as fast as you can to a house that became home in just one short week. Happy recruitment!