Yes, summer weather is great, until you have to walk to class in it. Honestly, the whole entire process is miserable and I don’t know if it’s just me, but I count the minutes until I know it’s going be over.
1. Stepping out of the car.
The heat hits you in the face like your being smothered by a blanket and being buried alive all at once. It is an awful feeling and you start sweating immediately before you even start walking.
2. The walk begins.
Here we go. You start up the long dreaded hill. Beads of sweat start to form on your lower back and eyebrows. It hasn’t even been a minute and half of your makeup is already off.
3. Reaching the top.
You feel by now that you’ve ran a marathon for how disgusting you really feel. Although you see your intended building in sight, it stills seems truly unbearable. The worst part is that there is no wind at all to cool you off, not even a slight breeze. It didn’t seem possible to feel even grosser than you already did, but you continue to tell yourself you still look good.
4. Almost there...
You pick up the speed just because you want to get to the air conditioning as fast as possible, but this in turn just makes you hotter than you already are. You tell yourself it's almost the end of the slow, painful death.
5. Finally at your class.
At last you’ve reached the building and the air hits you as you swing open the door. If only you could cool off instantly. Sitting down immediately just makes it worse because as soon as your thighs hit the chair the are instantly glued to them from all the sweat.
This is a daily process until the winter hits and then it will suck even more to walk in the horrendous snow freezing onto your face. Either way, remember you always look fabulous (even if you really don’t).