Many college students go home for Winter Break, while it can be slightly maddening that you have five weeks of not being with your friends, and the fact that you are back under your parents watch and not having the freedom that you have when you are at school. That said, here are five things about being home that are great.
- Being in your own bed. College is great, but the ability to be back in your own bed is such a blessing. There is nothing like being able to get back to what you know, and that includes the beauty of being in the bed that you have known for most of your life.
2. Seeing your old friends.
Even if you did not get along with everyone in high school, you still, more likely than not, have a small group of friends that you haven’t seen in a long time. You can get together and pretend like things have never changed and you guys can tell stories from school and laugh together like old times.
3. Enjoying the local stores.
Being from outside of Philadelphia, the things I miss the most besides my Mom are Wawa and Cheesesteaks. Not having them when I am in school in Virginia is a tough thing to deal with, but I manage. Whenever I am home, though, I am either spending most of my time at Wawa or getting Cheesesteaks because I know that I do not have much time to get them otherwise.
4. Being able to thank your teachers.
This one might be a little more personal to me, but I thoroughly enjoy having the chance to thank my High School teachers for dealing with me when I was in my most awkward part of my life. If it were not for their constant dedication to their craft and their patience, none of us would be in college, so I feel like they need to be thanked for their hard work.
5. Being able to sleep as much as you want.
Did I mention that I love sleep? Because I do. One of the worst things about college is that you feel like every moment that you are not don’t do work is you falling behind in whatever you are supposed to be doing. Having the chance and privilege of being able to sleep for however long you want to is so great and it is my favorite thing about being home.
In conclusion, being home is a huge blessing that you would be remised if you didn’t take advantage of it.