When I was younger, sometimes I wished that my sibling wasn't so much older than I was. Sometimes I wished that we were only a couple years apart so that we could play with our toys together. However, as I got older, I began to realize how thankful I was that my sibling was 12 years older than me. Having a sibling who is 10+ years older than you has many perks.
1. They make great role models.
Even though you have to deal with the fact that your teachers may call you by your sibling's first name from time to time, it's probably a good thing that they made a lasting impression for you to live up to. Older siblings really do set the bar for your accomplishments. Growing up, I watched my sibling be very successful and from a young age, I have looked up to my sibling (literally and theoretically). Having such a great role model gives you the drive to be as successful as they were and then some. Since you aren't very close in age, they'll be more willing to help you reach your goals because they don't have to worry about competing with you.
2. They help you reach your goals.
When you have a sibling who is only a few years younger or older than you, your sibling will help you reach your goals by pushing you in a competitive way. However, if your sibling is 10+ years older than you, they'll be willing to help you reach your goals simply by pushing you to become better, rather than competing with you to see who does it better. When your sibling is 10+ years older than you, they take the time to teach you what they wish they would have known when they were your age. Better yet, they'll teach you how to do it better than they did when they were your age.
3. They are full of advice.
Older siblings are always full of advice because they were once your age and now that they're older, they're more knowledgeable than you are. Older siblings can give you advice as simple as how to persuade your parents into letting you do something with your friends to how to pick a major for college. When you have something that you need to talk about, your older sibling is always ready to listen and give their input, no matter what time of day or how late at night it is.
4. You get to experience things that you'll get to do when you're older at a young age.
When your sibling is much older than you are, you'll get to experience things like college graduation, a wedding and becoming an aunt or uncle before most of your friends get to. All of these events are really awesome anyway, but they seem even more awesome when you're young, because it gives you something to look forward to when you're all grown up. If you're lucky, you'll get to take road trips and miss school for these kind of things too, which is always a plus.
5. Arguments are rarely a problem.
Arguments between you and your older sibling don't happen all that often when they're 10+ years older than you are. You definitely don't spend time fighting over toys, that's for sure. If an argument does occur, it probably won't last long. After all, they're a lot older than you are and they're also a lot wiser than you are.
All in all, having a sibling who is 10+ years older than you is pretty great. There are an endless amount of perks to having a sibling who is 10+ years older than you. As a little kid, it feels pretty cool to hang out with an older person. As a young adult, it feels pretty great to have a role model who is not only your sibling, but also your friend.