In a country that remains split down the center, we have all forgotten how to co-exist and respect each others differing opinions, so I have developed five rules that everyone should think about before posting another Facebook rant, calling out Grandma Betty, or thinking your political posts need to include curse words or insulting phrases.
Rule 1. See from the other perspective.
Political conversation is important. Discussing positive and negative aspects of what the government plans to do is a good way to form opinions on what you think is right, and what politicians will gain your vote. But it's also important to step back and look at things through someone else's eyes because there is always something to be gained, whether it be a change in opinion or just the consideration of something different. It is key to realize that everyone has their own political opinions that should be respected, even if they differ from your own.
Rule 2. Don't use someone's identity as an insult.
Words like "liberal" and "conservative" are now often used as an insult rather than a way to say where your beliefs fall on the political spectrum and they shouldn't be. A person's political views are not an insult and stereotyping a person because of their political views is only going to push people farther from each other. If you really care enough about someone's political views to be mad, then you care enough to talk to them and try to understand them.
Rule 3. Politics are personal.
One way that people form opinions is through their own experience, so someone's thoughts and opinions on politics may be because of something that happened in their life. It's important to respect differing opinions and experiences because you never know the hardships a person has been through. You yourself have probably been through tough times that have influenced how you think and feel about certain subjects, and that doesn't make what you think any more or less valid.
Rule 4. Politics is a multi-subject conversation.
Just because someone says that they are a liberal or conservative doesn't mean that all of their views are. Politics is a multi-subject conversation and people are not made with cookie cutters, so a person may call themselves a conservative but agree with things like same-sex marriage or being pro-choice. It's okay to have political views that are kind of a hot mess because politics aren't always easy to understand.
Rule 5. Everyone thinks that their opinion is right.
In the end, everyone has their own views because they think that what they believe is the best option. No one is keeping an opinion because they think it's wrong and not the best option. This step sounds the easiest because we all view our own opinions as right, but sometimes other opinions are hurtful and can come across as mean or ignorant. It is important to try not to fight because everybody is simply trying to do and be the best they can be, and though this may cause disagreements, there is something really great about it.