At every single festival you attend, you will meet at least one of these people. Oh course not every single attendee fits into one of these categories. A lot of us are just attendees looking to enjoy the weekend. However, these distinct individuals are always present and manage to improve each attendees' experience after running into them (sometimes figuratively and sometimes literally).
1. The wanderer.
This is the person who you will see everywhere and always wonder how they manage to find their friends at the end of the night. This person usually just walks from stage to stage and makes new friends every single set. Don't get attached or expect to actually meet up with them later. If you manage to keep track of them, you deserve a gold star and need to share your secrets with the rest of us.
2. Mom/Dad (Bonus: Meeting mom and dad at the same time!)
Mom and dad usually keep track of the water in a Camelbak. They also keep track of all of the loose items others are inclined to lose. If you hear the following more than once, you have found Mom and/or dad: "Are you okay?" "Do you need water?" "Want some gum?" "Lose your friends? Why don't you hang out with us!" "Don't want to hold that? No problem!" "Hey, where did (insert friend that always gets lost here) go?" "Do you need something out of here while I'm grabbing my stuff?"
3. The Shuffling genius.
Perfecting their craft for years, these individuals always put on a great show. Fully embracing EDM and moving to the beats, their perfects shapes and steps really present the iconic dancing that comes to mind when someone hears about an EDM festival. If you want to catch these individuals in the act, hang out around the "talent area" behind the crowd. With all the space, shufflers have the freedom to move and show off as much as they please.
4. The look-alike.
You can always tell which stage this person is going to wind up at that day. Whether they recreated their own helmet/head or are sporting a particular artist's merchandise, you can't help but notice this person's love for a particular DJ.
5. The Kandi kid.
Trying to fight the ever-growing party scene and keep the original scene alive, the kandi kid is the guy or girl covered in beaded bracelets. They will love you from the second they see you and teach you all about P.L.U.R. They're probably a little sweaty because they will literally dance the night away, but these are the kindest people you will meet at the event.
Whether you're one of these five, a jumper, or have two left feet, always remember to bring something to carry water in and your smile!