Hey there, it’s me! Some people call me Maddy, but some (and I stress that this actual number is close to zero), call me “the Queen of Relationships.” Specifically, I specialize in being single! After eighteen years of practice, I am pretty much an expert and I am finally ready to pass on some tips! The only way to not feel single, is to not be single, AKA get in a relationship! To help you do this, I have complied a list of possible people(s) to be claim as yours this Valentine’s Day!
1. Derek Shepherd
Sadly, he is no longer with us, but that technically means he is no longer taken, sooooooo tell your family and friends that you are happy with Derek!2. Your Homework
3. The Chocolate You Don't Have to Give Away
4. Your Pet
5. Your Chemistry Lab Partner
This one might be a bit trickier to convince people of because people on campus might know this is a lie, but being a little extra nice will only improve your grade. Maybe the chemistry between you two won't be bubbling, but making the real chemistry happen will produce a good grade! Go ahead and titrate some love and get yourself an A+!
Truthfully, I am more content saying I'm single and just eating some chocolate, but perhaps one of these will come in handy if you just gotta have someone to share the day with!