1. This is the girl that just goes crazy on the dance floor. Whether she’s dancing alone, or with someone else, you can’t help but just stop, stare and wonder what she’s doing or how if that were you, the embarrassment would be way too real.
2. These are the two people that are either in the corner of the room or smack dab in the middle of the dance floor hard core making out. They’re impossible to walk around and even more impossible to stop staring at.
3. These are the two best friends that come together, drink together, dance together, pee together and leave together. They’re not there to meet anyone new, they’re there to go out and have a good time, just the two of them.
4. There’s always a crier. No matter what party you go to, someone, most likely a girl, will be crying over the boy who broke up with her earlier this week or the boy that she was just dancing with, who is now dancing with someone new. Let’s be real though, these tears probably wouldn’t be so popular without their good ol’ pal, alcohol.
5. This is the guy you least likely want to see while out at a frat party. If a cop shows up, its either because the music’s too loud or they got a tip that this party contains hella underage drinking. Either way, get out of there as quickly as possible and avoid getting in any trouble.