Whether finals week is the first time you've decided to step foot in the library or it's the last time you have to enter this doomed building—it's hard to ignore the chaos that goes down in the library. Strangers we may be, but we are all riding the struggle bus together for the weeks that surround finals week. Here are five people you are sure to see in the library during finals week:
1. The Chomper
They've probably been in the library for hours and now these people are starving. But isn't it funny how no one ever brings "quiet foods" to the library like soup or applesauce or even pizza. People who are hungry at the library make sure that they bring the loudest food to eat imaginable (ex: potato chips, carrots, apples, etc.) Seriously, the crunching and chomping of your food is really cute and not annoying at all.
2. The Gossiper
The ones who just can't sit still—they talk to everyone and anyone. It almost seems like it is impossible for them not to know a single person in the library. Maybe you don't know this person, which is a miracle. But don't you worry, by the end of your time in the same vicinity as them you'll know their relationship status, family history, and their social security number.
3. The One Who's Been There Too Long
Go home! Go to bed! You're taking up space. Yes, we all see the drool dripping from your mouth onto the chapter that you're only halfway through reading. We get it, trust us—you're die hard, and we totally respect it. But for the love of God, go home and go to sleep.
4. The Couple That Makes Studying Their "Date Night"
Ahhh, canoodling at the library. We see you, so madly in love that you can't keep your hands off of each other for the hour (maybe) you'll last at the library acting like you're getting anything done other than sucking face. PSA: This is extremely awkward for everyone around you.
5. The Snapchatter
In case you missed it, she/he's at the library during finals week. Shocking and interesting, we know! Please upload another picture of your textbook or possibly a selfie wearing the reading glasses you just put on for the first time since last finals week.