If you have ever thought about trying your poetry, jokes, or music out on stage, and you live in the "413", here are few places to try. I have chosen these venues based mainly on personal experience and valuable hearsay. All of these places are also enjoyable as a supportive audience member, and probably for those who just happen to stumble in to an open mic situation. Let's be honest, you might hear a lot of total garbage, but you're also likely to be inspired and rejuvenated by the sheer spontaneity and courage it takes to perform. Either way, it is a blessing to live in a place where the arts are so readily supported by local business, as art is a integral part of a healthy community, so here's to it...
1. The White Rose
When: Fridays at 7:30PM hosted by Maurice Taylor
Where: The White RoseBookshop 284 High Street, Holyoke, MA.
What: The White Rose is committed to social justice,to the arts, and to the city of Holyoke. They promote community leadership and local growth, economically, and socially by providing a space for learning and conversation.The White Rose is owned by Betty Kaplowitz and Kristen Bachler who moved to Holyoke from California several years ago. The Namesake of The White Rose comes from a German, student movement during the Third Reich. This group of learners came together in that harrowing time, and were able to move beyond their facist surroundings as a result of their cooperation and willingness to educate themselves. Kaplowitz and Bachler's bookstore, not only reflects the German student movement in name, but in action and spirit, as they open, and maintain their culturally rich, artistic space, in order to facilitate the exchange of ideas.
2. Northampton Poetry
When: Tuesday Nights, Sign up at 7PM, Open Mic from 8-9PM followed by a Feature Poet! $4 ($3 for students) entry fee.
Where: World War II Club, otherwise known as, 'The Deuce', 50 Conz Street, Northampton,MA.
What: A booming little community of poets with a national network, dedicated to providing a stage for rookie and seasoned performers alike. Hosted by Craig Nelson.
3. Bishops Lounge
When: Wednesday Nights, Sign up at 7PM for Comedy Night, 7:30-9:30PM
Where: Bishop's Lounge 41 Strong Ave. Northampton, MA 3rd floor above The Sierra Grille
What: Bishop's Lounge is a full bar with dance space and patio area. They host a variety of musicians, and DJ's throughout the week, as well as their thriving Comedy Night Open Mic. All different kinds of people perform their; younger, older, locals, travelers, people with a lot of experience on stage, and a whole lot of newbies. It's a good time all around.
4. Eva's Open Mic
When: Friday Nights Sign up and show at 8PM.
Where: Sam's Pizza & Cafe, 235 Main Street, Northampton, MA
What: Originally created by Eva Capelli, Sam's Cafe opens, not only its doors, but its entire shop window to the breezy streets of Northampton. From 8PM on into the night.The mic is open for singers, musicians and performers alike to fill the night air with sweet music. A great pleasure for performers, audience members, and passers by!
Open mics create an opportunity for local talent to surface.18 karat hot spots for diamonds in the rough.The audience demands an encore of this charming, acapella trio, displaying an atmosphere of love and laughter. Music, beer, and pizza, a winning combination!
5. Yellow Sofa Open Mic
When: Thursday Nights, Sign up at 6:30PM Open Mic from 7-9PM
Where: Thirsty Mind Coffee & Wine Bar, 23 College Street, South Hadley, MA
What: Much has become of this beloved beige love seat, just in the years I have known of it, goodness knows what history it really holds! Former resident, and namesake of downtown Northampton's cafe, The Yellow Sofa; this notorious little antique, now supports an open mic scene at South Hadley's renowned Thirsty Mind.
The Yellow Sofa Open Mic at Thirsty Mind, encourages participation from a variety of performers, including spoken word artists, songwriters, musicians, and comedians. Another wonderful place to share your talent, overcome stage fright, and generally enjoy some live performance.
Getting up in front of a room full of strangers to share your soul babies is not everyone's first idea of a good time. There is, however, a lot to be gained, creatively, technically, and emotionally from challenging yourself in this format. Thankfully, there is no shortage of welcoming, and energetic places in the Pioneer Valley, to try your hand at some low stakes live performance. You might surprise yourself!