"Orange is the New Black" is one of the most popular televisions shows on Netflix. The show takes place in a prison located in New York state. This prison is home to all of the criminals, murderers and felons in the area. One thing that is unique about this prison is that it only takes in women. These women share a bond like no other. Every woman in this prison has a very different background story. Although they come from all different types of life, these women have more in common than they think. With season 4 out and airing, "Orange" binge watchers all over the world also share a unique bond with each other. This show gives out a ton of different life lessons along with various quotes that stand out. Here are a few of my favorites.
"A person shouldn't do something out of obligation. If you're gonna do it, do it because you want it." This quote comes from Stella Carlin who appeared in season 3. This quote stood out to me greatly because of its simplicity. It really is true. People in this world need to learn to do things because they want to do them. Not because they have to do them.
When Suzanne Warren (aka Crazy Eyes) was asked if she would be loving anyone in the prison during Valentines Day, she responded, "No, This year I'm loving someone who deserves me: Me." I cannot stress enough how important it is to love yourself, always. Suzanne went through a tough childhood that also led into her adulthood. She never really felt the real love of a family or close friends. However, she did learn to love herself.
Definitely one of my favorites by Piper Chapman: "In reality, shit just happens the way it happens, and it does not mean anything." Piper is 100 percent right on this one. Shit really does happen the way it is supposed to happen. There is no way to control it and there is no way to change it. Everything will eventually just fall into place.
Alex Vause is one of my favorite characters on the show. She has had a a lot of great moments and a lot of not so great ones. This quote she had really caught my eye:"I think that when you have a connection with someone, it never really goes away." I can say that this is a fact of life. Whenever you enter a new relationship or friendship with someone, the connection is what keeps you both together. Once you have that connection, it will never go away. Literally it will never go away.
Now, for my all time favorite quote in "Orange" history, "Love; It's just chilling, you know? Kicking it with somebody, talking, making mad stupid jokes and like not even wanting to go to sleep, cause then you might be without 'em for a minute and you don't want that." Poussey Washington will go down as my favorite character on the show. Her spunky personality and gracious tone set the stage for all of the other characters. Poussey's quote about love says all. There is no other way to describe it.