As we enter college we realize that we will be living in a dorm with a stranger, eat bad food, stay up later, do more school work, and live the average college life that we all see in movies. Once you get to college there are many little things that you did not even think of changing between high school and college, but they do.
1. The Water
Everyone that says water has no taste has not been to college. One of the first things I noticed was how different my water tasted. My roommate and I had to start stocking up on water bottles just to avoid using the "filtered" water here.
2. The Noises You Hear At Night
At home, once you're in bed you hear nothing but silence. At college, you hear the trains, the toilets flushing, your roommate's phone, doors slamming, girl's heels after a night out, and even people yelling down your hall at 3 a.m. because they don't want their friend to leave yet. Even with all the commotion, you do soundly fall asleep each night.
3. Wifi
Oh the wonderful school wifi, nope. Most of the time your phone is unconnected from the wifi, your laptop internet is so slow that when you're watching Netflix the lagging is unbearable, and don't even try face timing unless you want to see "poor connection" all night. Home wifi will forever be taken for granted.
4. The Walking
You will never understand how much you walk each day at your college until you check the health app on your phone and it says you walked close to 7 miles, yes it is right. From walking to class to walking to your meals to walking to your friend's dorm then walking off campus to get food, it is endless. Not to mention you haven't driven a car in months.
5. Laundry
Yeah so doing your own laundry may be a new task for you, but college laundry is like a different world. You never before had to worry about if someone put bleach in the washer before you used it, or worry about putting your clothes through two dryer cycles just to get dry, or check to see if washers are free, and you definitely never had to fight someone over a machine before.