New Year's resolutions have become a cliché of goals we know we will never keep. We make resolutions about loosing weight, eating better, going to the gym twice a day, getting a huge promotion at work, saving half of each of our paychecks; the list goes on and on. Usually we set these goals, and in the back of our minds know we will never really achieve them. We may work towards them, but in the end real life gets in the way, and we tend to fall short of that New Year's resolution. This year make a resolution you can really keep. Here are 5 of the easiest (and the best) resolutions that are sure to jump start your 2017!
1. Love yourself
Loving yourself is so so important. Whether you take a little time each day to look in the mirror and appreciate the beautiful blue eyes you have, or take a moment to feel proud of that B+ you earned on a really difficult paper, take time this year to love all that makes you you. Stop concentrating so much on what you would like to change about yourself, and celebrate all the good you have to offer.
**This can be achieved even faster by blasting Love Me by Hailee Steinfeld and belting out the words daily**
2. Be Patient
Being patient is something we all really struggle with as human beings. We want everything to be right here and right now. Practicing patience however, can help lower stress levels and help to bring a sense of calmness in your everyday life. Try not tapping your foot as the barista takes a little longer than usual while making your morning coffee, and maybe your day may start off a little more serene than usual.
3. Take 10 Minutes A Day For Your Mental Health
10 minutes a day for yourself is an easy way to keep up with good mental health. This can be taking time to read a chapter from a book you've been dying to read, listening to a few of your favorite songs, or even just closing your eyes and meditating for a few minutes. Whatever it is, promise yourself to take 10 minutes a day to just relax, and enjoy the moment. Let your mind decompress for a little while.
4. Stop and appreciate all you have
It is important every now and then to stop and think about all the good things in our lives. Whether it be feeling grateful for your family, your awesome job, or that new pair of shoes you just treated yourself too, appreciating what you have will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside; this is especially important when you have had a bad day, or feel as if everything is going wrong. Take a moment to appreciate all that is right in your life, and it will defintely make the difference during a bad day!
5. Practice Love and Kindness
This New Year's resolution involves more commitment, but the benefits will be great. Practicing love and kindess in your everyday life will open you up to a world of possiblities. When you show love and kindess towards the universe, it will come back to you in many ways. Maybe you are kinder to that one person you always have trouble getting along with, or show love to a stranger who seems to need a pick me up. You not only helped make somone else's day a little bit better, but you'll start to notice how great you feel as well. These are two of the universes strongest powers, and if used in the correct ways, they have the ability to change your life.
Picking a New Year's resolution can seem like an impossible task. When picking your resolution this year, pick something that will make you happier each day; it will make a world of difference. Here's to a happy and healthy New Year!