New Years Resolution season is upon us, and the number one resolution for women seems to be losing weight. "I don't really want to lose that much, I think I look alright already, I just think I could use losing about 10 pounds." People crop up everywhere to buy gym memberships, exercise classes, personal trainers. But, studies show that most times, it doesn't last. That article has tips to make fitness resolutions stick, but I'm not here to talk to you about those. I'm here to talk about things more important than fitness.
"Gasp! There are more important things than being skinny?" You might say. Corporate media would tell you no, but we don't listen to them. Here are five things you may not have on your list that are more important than what size pants you wear.
1. Have more patience.
I don't know about you, but road rage just about does me in. I've noticed, in my case, that my road rage has everything to do with how hungry I am, or how late I am to wherever I'm going. In my case, it can be fixed by keeping some food in my car and leaving a few minutes earlier. It's not just road rage, though. My favorite thing to try to give myself some perspective on why someone may act rudely toward me is to think of a situation that would cause me to want to act rudely toward someone else. An excessive amount of stress, a bad breakup, or the loss of a pet or a family member may just be one of those things. Regardless of whether or not those things are happening to that person, I can sympathize better with them if I can put myself in a situation that would cause me the distress that they are showing.
2. Learn self-forgiveness.
Dwelling on that awkward thing you did in third grade is not going to do you any good. Self-forgiveness is vital to your growth and well-being as a person. Giving yourself grace to make mistakes and learn from them is one of the best favors you can do for yourself. It's best not to rack yourself with guilt over something you did when you were 9 years old, or even two years ago, because even if you burned a relationship over your mistake, you can see what you did wrong now and act better next time.
3. Manage your time better.
Wouldn't you be so happy if you weren't stressed out about deadlines all the time? Spend a little time with a calendar and plan out big projects -- break them into smaller chunks so that you're not doing everything all at once. Here are some tips on how to get started with that.
4. Spend more time with family and friends.
Whether it's your biological family or your found family, friends and family of yours need love. Reach out first. Make time to see them. Even those friends you don't see very often. They'll likely be happy you did.
5. Make more plans for your future.
Even if it's just that you're going to start a new craft project in a month, map out your future in advance. Got a dream job? Got a dream house? Keep your eye on the market and make progress in every way you can. Even if it's just baby steps, you'll feel good when you have a set goal and you're on the way to reaching it.
These, as opposed to certain fitness goals, are things anyone can do. What are you waiting for? This new year could make a new you.