As 2016 comes to a close, most of us are in the process of making new Year resolutions. But what comes to no surprise is most of us do not stick to these for more than a week. For that reason here are a list of 5 resolutions you should not make this year.
1. Go to the gym everyday
It’s a good thought, but more likely than not you’re going to try to fit it into your schedule for like the first week of the new year then realize that it was a huge mistake and bail out. Instead, try to fit in a work out 2-3 times a week instead of trying to hit the gym everyday. Not everyone has the time to do that and that’s okay!
2. Giving up sweets/ soda
I mean come on live your life! It's really hard to give up sweets completely, so instead just reduce the amount that you have. I mean really, whats a life without chocolate?
3. Losing 20 pounds
This is a BAD and unrealistic idea. A revised resolution would be to lose 1 pound per week. It’s easier to stick to and way more realistic.
4.Trying certain diets
Instead of sticking to a strict diet plan that will make you hate your life, just try to eat lean meat and veggies with every meal.
5. Going vegetarian
If you want to lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you consume. Cutting meat completely out of your diet won’t necessarily help in that situation. Instead just try and reduce your meat intake.
Remember you want to make your resolutions realistic and attainable for you. Try not to make them too hard to follow, otherwise you will feel down on yourself for not sticking to them.