5 New Things Coming Soon To Shreveport | The Odyssey Online
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5 New Things Coming Soon To Shreveport

Whether it be a cool new restaurant, or a jazzy new coffee shop, it's hard to keep up!

5 New Things Coming Soon To Shreveport

Shreveport has been growing a lot lately. It seems like there's something new opening up everyday. Whether it be a cool new restaurant, or a jazzy new coffee shop, it's hard to keep up! So, here's a list of five new things coming to the area that you may not know about.

1. Whole Foods Market

If you're like the rest of Shreveport, you've probably wondered at some point whether or not the rumors of the Whole Foods Market opening were actually true, since it's taken so long to appear. Well, it is 100 percent true! The new Whole Foods is said to open its E 70th location this fall. In case you don't know, Whole Foods Market is an amazing grocery store known for its all natural "whole foods." The company strives to offer the best selection of fresh and organic foods. It also aims to support its local community by offering a wide variety of local goods. Whole Foods is exactly what Shreveport needs.

2. The Dog Park

It is finally happening. Shreveport will get its long awaited dog park at last. The five-acre park will be located on Clyde Fant at Stoner Ave., inside the Stoner Boat Launch Facility. There will be a fenced in area for big and small dogs, plenty of parking and seating that overlooks the river.

3. Mudbugs Hockey

Shreveport's hockey team will be back this fall! The Mudbugs were accepted into the North American Hockey League (NAHL) for the 2016-17 season. They will be the first Louisiana team to be a part of the NAHL. After undergoing $1.5 million in upgrades, the Hirsch Coliseum will be the new home to the Mudbugs. There will be ice-level suites and tickets will run as low as $10 per game!

4. Tejas Kitchen

Tejas restaurant will offer "true Southwestern" cuisine. There is no official menu yet, but the food is said to be influenced by places around the world from New Mexico and California, to the South Pacific and Gulf of Mexico. The restaurant will be opening in place of The Real Pickle in the Towne Oak Square shopping center on Pierremont Road.

5. The Vault

Many people were disappointed after the sudden close of the Phoenix Underground recently. Little did we know, the owner, Tim Huck, had plans of opening a new nightclub called The Vault. It is located under the Sandbar, also owned by Mr. Huck, in downtown Shreveport. The club is scheduled to have its official grand opening this weekend, June 11, 2016.

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