So many people in this world are now vegan. Most people are aware of what being vegan is, or at least what the term somewhat means. But that does not stop people from asking questions... the questions almost all vegans are sick of hearing.
1. How do you get enough protein?
If I had a dollar for every time I was asked this questions, I'd be capable of buying an endless supply of seitan. Protein doesn't just come from meat. Nowadays, it's so easy to find so many different substitutes for meat. Some substitutes even seem so close to meat it's questionable. Protein for vegans can be found within beans, grains like quinoa and there are meat substitutes like seitan, tofu and tempeh. All of these require no animal harm and keep us running!
2. Don't you miss bacon though?
Bacon, the food that so many people use as the excuse to not go vegetarian or vegan. "I love animals but I love bacon." Yeah, I love animals and bacon but I chose the animals and environment. All I have to say is try out some Upstons Bacon Seitan and you'll realize there are amazing substitutes that don't harm happy pigs that like their bellies rubbed.
3. Do you just eat salads?
No...most vegans do not just live off of salad. Maybe we make a convenient salad because its fast and easy and yes, often vegan, but in my own personal experience I think I have about four salads a month, if that. But we can make just as many meals as a meat eater so we don't have to live off salad.
4. Can you even go out to eat?
Going out to eat is nowhere as close to as hard as people think it can be for vegans. So many restaurants have so many vegan options or easy ways to make anything vegan. Mexican, Chinese and Indian cuisine are some of the best options for vegans. All of those cuisines either offer vegan meals or are super easy to switch things out to make it vegan. With Mexican you can get anything a meat eater would get, but do black beans instead of meat. With Chinese, you can eat anything that's not meat, rice noodle dishes with veggies and even just ask if they can take the egg out of vegetable fried rice and you're good to go. Indian cuisine has so much to offer, who doesn't love a good meal with some chickpeas and curry? Also, so many cities have vegan specific restaurants that, thanks to websites like Happy Cow, are easy to find. And if you're wondering if we can eat fast food... everywhere but McDonald's you can grab yourself some fries...and who doesn't love fries?
5. What are you allowed to eat?
In this day and age, as a vegan it almost feels as if you can eat anything you want. There's vegan chocolate, vegan "meats," vegan cheeses and vegan milks. Being vegan can help you learn how to cook in a whole new way and honestly some things last much better. I've always loved a good vanilla soy milk in my cereal over cow's milk. As long as it's not a byproduct of animals, we can have it.
Not everyone understands being vegan and being vegan isn't for everyone. Us vegans aren't out to crucify those who eat meat. Most of us ate meat for most of our lives and decided later on to become vegan. Being vegan isn't boring or bland. But don't worry about us vegans, we get our protein and eat real well.