With Hurricane Matthew, flooding and fall break, I have spent a lot of time in my hometown the past couple of weeks. While I love being at home and getting to spend time with family and old friends, sometimes you just need an escape. These are just a few of my favorite Netflix shows that are perfect for passing time while home from school.
1. "American Horror Story"
This is a new favorite of mine with a little something for everybody-drama, romance, horror, suspense and twists-you just can't go wrong.
2. "One Tree Hill"
I will admit, it took me a few episodes to get into, but once I did, I was hooked. You never know what will happen next in this drama. Plus, it stars Chad Michael Murray and who doesn't love him?
3. "Friends"
This is just a classic. First airing in 1994, this show is still captivating an audience of various ages. With its amazing writing and hilarious actors, you will be left laughing in every episode.
4. "Grey's Anatomy"
I held off on watching this for so long because I just didn't get why everyone loved it so much, but now I do. From romances to shootings and plane crashes you'll always be guessing what direction the show is going in next.
5. "Bob's Burgers"
I have never been one for cartoons, not even really when I was a kid. But one day I was so bored and would've watched anything so I randomly chose this. Every episode is so funny, I was dying laughing throughout each one.