5 Must-See Museums in Las Vegas | The Odyssey Online
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5 Must-See Museums in Las Vegas

Who said our city wasn't cultured?

5 Must-See Museums in Las Vegas

When most people think of Las Vegas, they don't imagine an epicenter of history, culture, and Southwestern arts. Yet Sin City has much more to offer the average tourist than casinos and Cirque shows– here's a list of quirky and fun (yet informative) museums to visit on your next trip to Las Vegas that are just as colorful as the city they reside in.

1. The Atomic Testing Museum

Las Vegas and the atomic bomb actually have an oddly intertwined history– the city is just mere miles away from one of America's most famous nuclear testing sites. The Smithsonian's Atomic Testing Museum works to "[use] lessons of the past and present to better understand the extent and effect of nuclear testing on worldwide nuclear deterrence and geopolitical history" and walks guests through interesting and interactive exhibits, including a simulated atmospheric bomb blast experience. Its explosive fun (to say the least). Buy tickets here!

2. Las Vegas Pinball Hall of Fame

Though the Pinball Machine has fallen in popularity with the eventual demise of arcades, dedicated fans can reminisce in the light of wall-to-wall retro glory at the Pinball Hall of Fame . Play on machines that date anywhere from the 1950s and onward in this 10,000 square foot facility and learn a bit about old-school gaming history. The best part? Admission is free and most machines cost 25 to 50 cents to play. If you're looking for a place to blow that annoying spare change jangling around in your wallet, this spot is for you.

3. The Neon Museum

This one is my personal favorite (I took this photo myself)! The Neon Museum of Las Vegas is a non-profit organization that focuses on the collection and preservation of iconic, decommissioned Las Vegas signs (especially neon). In guided tours, guests walk through an outdoor exhibition known as the "Neon Boneyard" and learn about the history behind the signs of famous Vegas attractions, including the Stardust Hotel, Frontier Hotel, Desert Inn Hotel, and much more. Throughout the tour, guests are welcome to snap pictures of whatever they please, making this a must-see for photographers and seekers of the perfect, retro Insta post. Book a tour here! (Pro tip: book a night tour for an extra-illuminating experience).

4. The Mob Museum

Housed in the very courthouse where famous casino owners tied to mobsters were investigated, the Mob Museum is dedicated to the complex history of organized crime and the law enforcement that sought to bring it to its knees. Learn about the impact of organized crime in Las Vegas history as well as the lives and operations of the dastardly mob men who helped to build the city from the ground-up. This place is chock-full of interactive exhibits, including a virtual weapons training simulation and wiretap recordings. Though the historical figures studied inside are infamous, I'm positive you'll hold this institution in higher regard. Plan your visit here!

5. Wayne Newton's Casa de Shenandoah

Wayne Newton is one of the most iconic singers and performers to ever take up residency on the Strip. Even more iconic, perhaps, is his 52-acre estate which invites guests to roam lush gardens, artisan ponds and waterfalls, exotic birds, and champion Arabian horses. Browse Newton's "extensive car collection, board his private jet and tour his vast memorabilia collection including gifts from close friends Frank Sinatra, Jack Benny, Nat King Cole, and Elvis Presley. " After the Copacabana, this is definitely the hottest spot north of Havana– book your tour here .

They aren't simply collections of dusty artifacts. In a very Vegas-style, even our museums are reflective of our dynamic culture. Give em a visit the next time you swing by!

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