The move in process has begun for many student living facilities (dorms, on/off campus apartments) and it can be extremely stressful. Here are some tips that I found to be helpful in order to make move in as stress free as possible!
1. Arrive in college town the day prior to move in.
I highly suggest this because it gives you a chance to get to the town and unwind before a whole day of moving in. Move in day is a lot of work and will take all of your energy. Especially if you are traveling a long distance to get to your college town. You can also shop for different toiletries and food items that you waited to get for your arrival.
2. Arrive to move in early.
If you arrive as early as possible to move in, you will have the best opportunity to make your move in quick and easy. This way, you avoid parking difficulties while also avoiding massive amounts of foot traffic in and out of the building. Getting there early simply makes the process move a lot quicker. You are also giving yourself the entire day to get yourself completely moved in!
3. Dress appropriately.
I highly recommend wearing comfortable, active clothes for move in. Running shorts, leggings, t-shirt or tank top. Something that you can lift things in and expect to sweat. It's going to be a long, hot, annoying day of moving things in and out of the building. If you do not dress appropriately, you will be miserable and it will only make your job harder.
4. Plan for unexpected store runs.
You never really know or have everything you need. You think you have everything figured out but I promise you do not and something unexpected will come up. Do not stress it. It happens to everyone I promise you. So just be prepared to have to run to a store or two to pick up some things you may not have thought about needing/wanting until you saw your new home in person.
Organize later!!! Do not try to organize or set up your place until you have absolutely everything inside. It makes the whole back and forth process easier to just get it over with. Do not delay in inevitable. You will have to get it all regardless, might as well get through the worst part first. Then, you can relax and unpack inside where there is more space and most importantly, air conditioning!