Everyone knows that beginning a new year of college can be tough. Re-adapting to your sleep schedule, re-adjusting to school friendships, and attempting to balance everything that a new school year brings are all things that college students deal with, no matter how long they've been in school. Here is a list of five motivational quotes that will help to give you the strength and confidence you need to push through this year and years to come!
You may be stressed and overwhelmed, but as long as you keep moving forward things will get better and eventually fall into place. It may take some time before things get back on track, but as long as you keep moving you'll always be one step closer.
It may seem like the whole world is getting in the way of you and your goals, but the harder you fight to do well and prove those who said you couldn't do it wrong, the better and more accomplished you'll feel!
There will be times when you feel lost and like you'll never catch a break, but always remember that you are brilliant and capable of moving mountains. If you are having trouble finding opportunities to grow and shine, make them for yourself! You are that powerful.
If you ever doubt where your life is taking you, listen to your heart and follow what it tells you. There is a lot of pressure put on you in college to decide who and what you want to be. While making important decisions that will impact your future, remember that your happiness is more important than any amount of money you could ever earn. Never compromise your wellbeing for financial stability.
And "Oh, The Places You'll Go"! Whether you are just beginning college this year or you are on the home stretch to graduation, remembering that you have the power to do anything you set your mind to is something everyone needs to hear. When things get tough, know that you have the power to forge your own path and make your life extraordinary!
If you liked these quotes, make sure to share them with those who need some motivation today!