Words of encouragement can turn around someone's day in a matter of seconds. The influence of empowering others is quite beautiful and whether or not you realize, you probably do this each day. In my case, if I notice that a friend or family member seems to be going through a hard time with something in their life or simply having a rough day I try to boost them up a bit and brighten their mood. This can be done in many ways: calling them to chat (sometimes just talking it out with someone helps relieve stress), sending them a text to let them know you're available if they happen to need a shoulder to cry on or even someone to share a good laugh with, and even passing along a little photo (like the ones below) via text or email to merely show understanding. All of these little things are acts of kindness that show empowerment and faith in the other person - and are usually appreciated at certain times over others. I have friends that will send me little motivational quotes like the one's below if they know that I might be having a tough week in school or struggling to push through the day. I can not even begin to explain the positive effects that this little act of kindness grants me. Usually, I feel at ease and eager to continue on with whatever it is that I am doing - but with a smile on my face instead of with forehead wrinkles or a scrunched up nose - I feel motivated.
Here are some delightful and simply darling motivational quotes that likely apply to not only young adults or college students, but to everyone.
I like to read this one when I feel like I just can't do something that I am working towards. I am a goal driven person, but often I feel like my all isn't good enough and I tend to think that the entire thing might just be too hard for me. Taking a look at this quote, reading it a few times, and breathing a little usually calms me down.
I enjoy this when I am feeling like giving up. We're human. We all, at some point, just feel that it would be easier to give up on something than to face embarrassment or humility and fail at whatever we are working towards. SO WHAT. We are human! We will fail. Yes, we may become disappointed when we do but what if we didn't even try? Success is right around the corner, but in order to get there - we must first TRY to get there. Am I right? Trying never hurts and being disappointment and failure isn't the worst case scenario in any situation.
This quote applies all of the time. There is never a time where you have done something and be a worthless accomplishment. Each day is a new opportunity to try new things and be a better you. With everything completed in a day (being big or small) it adds up. I truly believe that at the end of each day you are better than you were the day before. I love quotes that apply to every single day.
Each day there is something that you can and can't do. This is life. I believe this to be true. Life tells you the truth. You will know when you encounter a situation that you are not able to overcome (for whatever reason) but this isn't the end. You move on and continue to focus on the situations that you can overcome.
I leave you with this one.
Having motivators and empowering individuals that are available for you are absolutely wonderful. You will have friends and family that will try to help in your time of need (and probably try to help you even when you actually don't need anyone's help at all) - but remember ... YOU are the captain of your own ship. You make your decisions and you have your own goals that are set in place for your life. My mama always used to tell me that eventually I would miss high school (quick side note, I HATED high school) and guess what? She was right. Now that I know that I am older and wiser and am able to handle myself in different (and better) ways - I wish I could go back and do it all over again. But since I can't, I move on. I focus on my future and I spend each day trying to be better than I was the day before because I know that this is my life and that I have to put in the work and effort to see the results that I long for because no one else will do it for me.
Believe in yourself.