If you're anything like me and my friends, we can't go more than 2 days without watching Hamilton on Disney+. We decided that these were the 3 most meaningful songs to the plot.
My Shot
My Shot is the 3rd song in Hamilton and this song is important because not throwing away your shot is something Hamilton genuinely believed in and is reiterated through the whole musical (about 41 times in this song alone). Ironically, in the duel between Hamilton and Burr at the end, Hamilton essentially throws away his shot and is killed by Aaron Burr.
Non-Stop is the 23rd song and the last song of Act I. A lot happens in this song, it is the longest in the musical. Non-Stop begins with Hamilton and Burr being their careers in Law. Hamilton asks Burr for assistance in defending the New U.S. Constitution bu writing essays defending it and Burr believes he is backing the wrong horse. Due to his undying dedication to their new country, Washington asks him to continue to be his Right Hand Man and run the Treasury department while Eliza is not happy with his decision to Up and leave her for Washington once again. He defends his decision to leave and help Washington by stating once again, He will NOT be throwing away his shot.
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story
Who Lives, Who Dies is the closing song in Hamilton. Its depicted with Eliza telling how she tried to tell his story while establishing New York City's first private orphanage, Bringing in funds for the Washington Monument, speaking out against slavery and many more things while she was alive. You genuinely have no control over Who Lives, Who Dies and Who tells your story.
So how do you want to be remembered? Will you throw away your shot? Maybe you'll be Non-Stop? All in all, Hamilton has my highest recommendation to watch.