1. We do nothing.
We do go to classes (maybe not all the time but we do go) we take exams like everyone else, we study believe it or not, like everyone else. I literally have been asked this every time I say I am an art major. "Oh so you guys just sit there and look at art and do nothing right?" Yes, you caught us that is all we do, how did you know? We do do stuff besides look at art; we make art, thus why we are art majors. Trust me, we are always doing stuff all the time, we actually are very productive minus what all the stereotypes say about us being over-emotional lazy people who do narcotics all the time. That's why we have mandatory studio hours because those are specifically for us to do, well, stuff. Imagine that.
2. We have no competitive edge.
Yes we actually are competitive, probably more competitive than any other major. Why do I say this with such confidence? Because currently the arts are not taken seriously in our nation and a lot of art opportunities are very limited hence we have to literally fight tooth and nail to get these jobs; you have to be the best of the best or you will become that starving artist... literally you will have no future. That's why we have crits (critiques) so that we can better ourselves through another perspective, it's not just to stare at artwork for 3 hours straight and say super positive bubbly stuff about that person's piece, we are hard-core competitive folk who will tear your art piece apart (not literally) because we do it out of love and want you to become a better artist.
3. We are all hippies/hipsters who live in our own little worlds and don't believe in hygiene.
We do have our own style but that doesn't mean we are all peace loving hippies and hipsters who are mellow and don't give two craps about the world around us. We do watch the news, read the paper, catch up on the latest celeb gossip, and know what exams and midterms are, yes we do take tests just like the rest of you. Magical, I know! And for some reason people have this preconceived notion that art students don't shower or bathe or even shave. Um correction, we do I promise; we may not be super clean cut like ROTC or Business majors but we do know what soap and water is.
4. We have all the time in the world.
Excuse me while I laugh hysterically at this misconception. No we do not have all the time in the world; remember a few bullet-points back when I said we have mandatory studio hours? Yeah, thus meaning even if you take one studio class you have to spend about 3+ outside of class to work on projects, not to mention our deadlines are always back to back so we have like no time. It's a miracle if we aren't at the studio during the weekend -- you know, the time everyone else has off. So if you are wondering why we emerge in the morning from Hopkins looking like death, that's because we've been there for the past three days perfecting our projects, and that's why we sleep in other classes.
5. We can do nothing with our major.
Yup you caught us, forever poor and jobless. There are things we can do with our major considering there are many different fields of art such as: art & tech (animation work for DreamWorks or Pixar and or make animations for medicine or engineering), photography (take photos from weddings to celebrities to National Geographic), video/film (make super awesome films, be like the next Steven Spielberg or work for him for that matter) and so the list goes on. Trust me, there will always be job opportunities for artists, heck even starving artists make a pretty decent living! So please don't worry about our futures as artists, we will be okay and we will make it on our own, Girl Scout's honor.
There is one misconception that y'all got right though: we know how to make some kick-butt art! We know how to take criticism and how to manage our time properly. We may not be the most serious people half of the time but we know how to when need be. We may critique the crap out of your work but that's because we know what you are capable of and we know you have potential, we do it out of love. We know how to challenge the social norms and stand up for what we believe in. We know that most don't consider us a real major but we are, we are here making a difference going through the process like the rest of you, just in a more creative free-flowing way. So before you judge us and say we do nothing and mean nothing, just think, without us where would your major be? I'll leave you with that thought.
Please enjoy this photo of these cats an office
(so that's who's in charge of telemarketing...)
Thanks for reading! Cheers!