1. The Big Bounce Theory
On some level, everyone knows about the big bang theory, whether it be from the CBS hit sit-com or from an academic perspective.
If you don’t know. Well… you live under a rock.
The Big Bounce Theory is the idea that the big bang has occurred and will occur millions of times throughout the duration of our universe. The universe will expand, only to contract and collapse after a couple billion years and start all over again. This period between the collapse and re-expansion is henceforth called the big bounce as the universe acts in a rebounding fashion.
The scariest thing to think is that humanity has occurred millions of times without any of the civilizations ever knowing.
Perhaps that’s what reincarnation really is…
2. The Theoretical Schrödinger’s Cat Experiment
Erwin Schrödinger, a German physicist once came up with a theoretical experiment: If he were to put his cat into a box with a radioactive device, the moment before he opens the box the cat is both dead and alive at the same time.
This was meant to symbolize the duality of objects in nature, such as in quantum mechanics when light acts a wave and a particle at the same time, which is phenomenal considering all other known matter acts as either a wave or a particle… Never both.
This duality principle can be taken down many routes: can one be conscious and unconscious at the same time? Can one really be dead and alive?
3. The Multiverse Theory
This theory is just another outlet in the discipline of astrophysics. It states, that at any given time there are multiple universes where one exists, all in a different form or situation.
Every choice an individual makes creates a different universe in which you made the opposing choice. By this logic, there could be millions of universes where some you might be successful, failing, sick, or even dead.
This is also the theory that scientists pawn déjà vu off on. You feel like you have been somewhere before because you have... but in a different universe.
Maybe here is when you could be both dead and alive at the same time eh?
4. The Gaia Theory
The Gaia theory is widely known as being the concept that the Earth itself is its own giant organism. However, this has branched into the idea that the ocean is its own bodily entity.
Through this theory, scientists categorized oceanic functions that are similar to those of the human body. Here are a few:
- The circulatory system: this would be the currents that are carried throughout the ocean. Especially since lower currents are highly oxygenated and higher ones are not; similar to the arteries and veins.
- The digestive system: this includes the microorganisms who break down deceased organisms or re-digest animal defecations into more resourceful compounds. This acts as the small intestine that further digests one’s waste in order to absorb all of the nutrients possible.
- The immune system: tidal waves, rip currents, and tsunamis are all forms of defense against outside stimuli which is seen as a threat. This is the same mechanism that one’s immune system goes through in order to maintain good health.
If this theory is ever proven to be accurate, I might move to space. Only because if you piss off the ocean it will through a tsunami at you… And I don’t need that kind of stress in my life.
5. The Theory of Phenomenalism
This theory is perhaps the craziest of them all. It states that whenever you are not looking at something, it ceases to exist.
This branches from the old philosophical theory started by George Berkley who argued that nothing exists outside of the human mind. Nothing exists without a consciousness to observe it for everything is dependent on human perception.
If one followed this ideology, this would be like saying that your laptop you are reading this off of only exists because you are paying attention to it. As soon as you aren’t it is not there.
So does this mean my car disappeared from my parking space because I’m not there to observe it?
Well crap…