If you are a ketchup lover, you came to the right place. If you are a future ketchup lover, be prepared to be enlightened. Ketchup is a condiment that is made to be put on almost anything savory and sometimes even sweet. People may be shaking their heads at you, but just know that they’re the ones missing out. Haters gonna hate.
Mac n Cheese
Especially if the top layer is crispy! Ketchup and carbs are best friends, they are known for working together, for the most part.
And my preference? You only need a small squirt of ketchup for this meal. I usually like a lot but a lot of mac and cheese is saucy and creamy, so adding a lot of ketchup can turn into a soupy minestrone.
Go head and pile on the ketchup for this one. Broccoli is without a doubt my favorite vegetable, but I think ketchup brings out the flavors of the broccoli so well.
Sweet Potatoes or Yams
I still don’t see the difference between these two, they seem to taste the same. This vegetable is like natures candy but with ketchup, it brings a savory element to this dish.
Chow Mein
I don’t want to offend anyone who eats this plane, but I guess that’s the little American in me. It’s just sometimes chow mein can be dry and a little sauce makes it much more enjoyable to eat. If the chow mein is saucy already, then do not add ketchup!
Frozen Pizza
Only baked premade frozen pizza (CPK’s is my preference). I really enjoy pizza that has a lot of marina sauce on it, and a lot of pizza’s can be dry/cardboard-like. So adding ketchup is like adding dipping sauce!