When someone asks me what I want for Christmas, my go to answer is "anything from Sephora." I took the time to dig a little deeper and find the true meaning of this special holiday. Pure joy is what makes Christmas significant. Here are the top five things that I hope for that will make this holy day perfect.
1. Family Prospering
Getting along with family is something that is essential all-year, but especially around this time. There is no hope for true happiness during the holiday season without sharing it with those you love the most. Whether it is your immediate family or a big family gathering, do your best to make the most of it. Life is too short to live it any other way.
2. Laughter
The ultimate key to enjoying Christmas no matter where you are or who you are with is by lauging. It is featured in almost every classic holiday song for a reason. Keeping the mood light and happy is the way it should be during this time. Take in that joy and share it with someone. Tell stories or jokes that will make someone smile because it is important.
3. All-Around Happiness
Something I want for myself and everyone I care about is pure happiness. I experience this by spending time with the people I love while eating delicious food, especially dessert. Do not take advantage of the time you spend with friends and family this year since they are what we will look back on when we think of our happiest moments.
4. Friendship
Whether it may be celebrating new friends or reuniting with old friends, they are all a gift. I am looking forward to spending time with the people that make me feel happy to be alive. Friendship is an important part of Christmas to me because of the joy I receive from time spent with my friends and boyfriend.
5. Love's Presence
It does not matter if I am at home watching a movie with my family or driving in the car with my boyfriend to get hot chocolate from McDonalds, the presence of love is what makes it special. This Christmas I hope it stays lingering in the air as I play with my dog, go to family gatherings, give the presents I worked hard to buy, and adore God's many other gifts this season.