If you're like me, and like most of the population, you get stressed very easily, like very easily. Many times throughout the day, I often find myself thinking of ways to calm myself down in certain situations, just to ~make it through~ and be ok, ok, ok.
Thus I started my journey to find a mantra.
The definition of a mantra is "a sound, word, or phrase that is repeated by someone" to help maintain peace. It's typically said during prayer or meditation, but I won't tell anyone if you don't.
After reaching out to friends, family and Facebook I've found 5 that I find really useful, and I think you will also.
1. I can do hard things.
This simple reminder is more useful than it might appear. Hard test? I can do it. Difficult conversation? I CAN do it. Mean boss? You bet I can do it. It covers everything, and it's a declarative sentence so it sounds strong and affirmative, even if you're not feeling so hot yourself. You gotta fake it 'till you make it, right?
2. This too shall pass.
This is maybe the mantra of all mantras. It's a lot of people's go to when times are tough, and for a good reason. If you're going through a hard time, whether it's a day or week or even a month, it's important to remember that things are temporary. I know it may feel like things are never ending, that this is permanent, but it's not! And realizing this, while it may not alleviate anything in the moment, helps us to see the big picture, and maybe, just maybe, things will be okay.
3. To begin, begin.
Williams Wordsworth wrote a lot. Like, a lot, a lot. And let me be the first to tell you that writing is hard. So what must we do? Simply begin. If you're stressing over a hard task, like an essay or any other project, the first move is to simply start. The beginning is the hardest part, no? So begin, with all your being begin and figure the rest out later.
4. Actually, I can.
In times of struggle, our brains start throwing around every insult imaginable. You can't do this, you're not smart enough, pretty enough, funny enough. You'll fail. It says it all. So fight back a little bit, because you know what? You are capable of more than you think you are.
5. YOLO.
Guys, I'm serious with this one. A little reminder now and again that this is the only chance we get can come in handy if you're needing that extra little something to start living unapologetically. Yes Zac Efron may have this tattooed on his hand, but it's a good message, and hey, we are millenials after all, aren't we?