Have you ever taken a week, or even just a couple of days, to disconnect from social media? I recently took a couple weeks for myself to reconnect by disconnecting from social media. It never occurred to me that not going on Instagram or Snapchat could have such a positive affect on myself. The time I took off made me realize the major negative impacts these sites have on people. Here is what I realized:
1. You are more present
The more you are on your phone and diving into whatever is happening on social media, the less you are aware what is happening around you. There are so many amazing moments that happen constantly throughout the day and no one realizes they're actually missing them if they are "just looking at the snapchat they just got." I was able to be fully engaged with those around me. I also felt so much more at peace with myself because I wasn't always concerned with what people were doing on social media.
2. You are able to get work done
School and social media do NOT go well together! If I learned anything, it is that I had a constant habit of looking at my phone too much, so that I was unable to study or do homework effectively. Some people may not think this is an issue, however seeing how effectively I studied without the distraction of my phone buzzing every five seconds, there is a major difference!!
3. You get FOMO
As completely ridiculous as it sounds, when you're looking at snapchat and you see a group of your friends out having fun: you are going to get upset. There is nothing wrong with not being there, but the way society works, you're going to feel left out. Without social media, I did not care what was happening if it did not directly affect me. This may not be all people, but one thing you should realize is that it is totally okay to sit in your bed with popcorn and binge watch Grey's Anatomy until 2 am. Don't stress who is out and just do you!
4. It'll force you to stop stalking your ex
Firstly, we all do it. However, it is the most unhealthy thing you can do for yourself and most people don't know when it is time to stop. It also doesn't have to be an ex, it can be an old friend, a partners ex, etc. Constantly trying to see who is posting or liking what pictures and videos is completely ridiculous. If it is clearly something that brings you down, then why even do it?
5. You stop comparing yourself to others
Social media and the life people portray on social media, is often times completely opposite to reality. I know a variety of individuals who constantly compare themselves to someone they have seen on the media. It is such an unhealthy ideal among people. Disconnecting from social media can boost your self confidence in extremely positive ways. Instead of comparing yourself to an Instagram picture of a model, you stop comparing yourself to anyone.
Don't take this as me saying social media is all bad because it definitely is not. There are positive aspects to it, like keeping up with friends and family, but the points I mentioned are definite down sides of social media. It is so important to value yourself and the time you have with the people present around you. As clichè as this all sounds and as much as you've heard it before, disconnecting is 100% beneficial to you. It enhances your mental and physical health and causes you to be a significantly more positive person!