At the end of it all, college may bring you student loan debt and no guarantee of a job. Graduating college might mean missing quite a few things that the real world doesn't offer. Many people would say that college tuition pays for not only basic needs, but also hidden perks. A note to incoming freshman, don't take these things for granted for the next 4 years while you have them.
#1- Meal plans. Unfortunately in the real world, your meal plan will consist of a grocery budget. Not a set amount of free food points or a set amount of meals per week. Freshman, don't listen to those who tell you about the 15 pounds you'll gain your first year. Take advantage of all the food being offered to you. You'll want it back in 4 years.
#2- Living with your best friends. When you graduate college, most of your friends will either move, get married, or have babies, Or all 3 of these. College is most likely the only time you will be able to see your best friends on a daily basis, either in class, a club, or in a dorm. Take advantage of all the memories you'll be able to make together. Actually i'll add living in a dorm in general onto this. Sometimes being away from your parents is a luxury in itself.
#3- A free gym. Most gym memberships cost a monthly fee, which once again will cut into an adult budget. Don't take for granted the free workout equipment and exercise classes that are offered to you. You might find Zumba or Yoga actually interesting.
#4- Refund checks. If you're lucky enough to receive more than enough financial aid, you receive a check for your own personal uses. Unfortunately in the real world, your only refund check comes from paying one too many taxes. How sad. Just remember to spend wisely.
#5- Free WiFi. WiFi costs money in an apartment. Living on a college campus gives you the luxury of all the Netflix and Hulu you want without having to pay for them. Well, assuming you don't pay for your own accounts. Life tip, get the passwords to your friend's accounts. It'll save you in the end.
With all of these luxuries combined, maybe college isn't so bad.However while you're out enjoying it, don't forget to study. And hit the free gym once in awhile.