Being the kind of girl that is somehow lazy but also high maintenance at the same time is one of the most contradictory experiences. It's full of cutting corners and rushing things that really should be drawn out. But, there are definitely some universal truths for any other girl like me.
1. When you can't be bothered to wash your face at night
And then just end up feeling like a swamp demon the next morning as you think about the filth in your pores.
2. Your hair will most likely feel like a bucket of grease
But, you know that a prayer and an ungodly amount of dry shampoo will go a long way.
3. When you spend hours doing your nails...
... Just to end up picking it all off when you don't feel like having it the next day.
4. The disgusting but constant experience of smelling your clothes before wearing them
They always look amazing but probably won't smell so great.
5. And when they smell not so fresh
You spray some random stuff on it and hope for the best.
But, always remember: you might be kind of gross but you're still cute. And that's kind of your thing now. Own it.