Many things have happened in the news recently. I'm not talking about the Republican or Democratic National Conventions or Taylor-Kimye drama, but I'm talking about this week's episode of the ~dramatic~ Bachelorette. You may think, "what does a show like that have to teach me?" Five lessons below to find out.
Love is complicated.
Watching this show made me realize that love isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Yes, you have to actually put in effort. No, you can't expect to go to an airport or go to a coffee shop, bump into a random and immediately fall for them. These guys come on this show because they're trying to find "love" with the Bachelorette. And they are fighting with several other men who share the common goal (most of the time). You have to fight for love and sometimes, you just might lose. It's that complicated.
You will meet many frogs on your way to finding your prince.
On the first night, we all get to meet the dashing, handsome contestants as they step out of the limo. We, along with the Bachelorette, get a first impression. And some of those impressions are interesting, like if they show up in a kilt or bring a bottle of wine (my kind of guy). But out of all of these guys, there will be that one Prince Charming that you're destined to fall in love with. Whether you're at a party, a coffee shop, in class, or at the famous Bachelor Mansion, your Prince Charming is there, waiting, in a sea of disgusting pond frogs.
The most attractive one there isn't all that he's cracked up to be.
Looking at you, Jordan and Robby. Ladies, let me give you some advice. If you're waiting on that male model perfect specimen of a guy to come sweep you off your feet and whisk you away in a trail of beauty, then you better lose hope now while you still have some dignity left. That "perfect" guy isn't quite so perfect. Just look at Jordan--he's tall, handsome, brooding, and a retired NFL football player. Can it get any better than that? But let's look on the inside: he has girlfriend issues, he's egotistical, doesn't know the definition of entitled, and is not on speaking terms with one of his brothers. Do you want to be in the middle of that family drama? I don't. And then Robby, who supposedly broke up with his girlfriend of four years to be on the show, and looks like a Ken doll? Every "perfect" guy has at least one flaw, one major flaw.
The sweet guy is always number one, hiding in the shadows.
Our hearts all felt for Wells as he was sent home on his one-on-one date with Jojo, and we immediately wanted to comfort him (literally, we all wanted to kiss him...wait just me? Okay). He was a sweet guy, stuck on this show full of meatheads and egomaniacs. We were hopelessly in love with him, even when he was knee deep in the friend zone. Maybe even Jojo was in love with him deep down, but she (and us) were blindsided by the bad boys. Always look out for the sweet ones. We cried even harder when James T was sent home, but I'm still in shock of that. And let's not get into Luke getting sent home--me and my heart still need time to recover.
You can always find love after a broken heart.
If this show hasn't taught me anything about love so far, I have definitely picked up that even after your heart shattering into a million pieces, it can always be picked up and put together again. The right guy will come along and help you put together your heart again, and one day, you will forget why your heart was broken in the first place.
If you still think you can't learn anything from this show, always remember this: if you're ever out of wine, go to the Bachelor Mansion. They keep that house stocked with everything.