Dads—a huge blessing that sometimes leave us too embarrassed for words. For all the dad's out there, this one's for you.
1. The use, or misuse, of common slang.
Having your dad send in a family group text “BSM” or “what up” really lets you know that he cares enough to try and relate to our “yolo” generation. Sometimes, you have to correct the use of terms, like “gramming,” and explain that, no, you cannot “pin a tweet” onto your Facebook wall.
2. The display of enthusiasm at any and all of your sports games.
Even if you're not the coach’s kid, that doesn't stop your dad from being a presence to be reckoned with. You may not be the best on the team, but your dad will definitely let the other parents, the ref, and your coaches know that he won't let any call on you go unnoticed.
3. The mini-boxing lessons taught when you least expect it.
Whether it was walking to the car from a family dinner, or at home in the kitchen, receiving the occasional poking that turns into slight jabbing is just another way that your dad might show you how to defend yourself in life. You may not want to fight with your dad in public, but that doesn't stop him from pushing your buttons just enough for you to start boxing around, much to your mother’s dismay.
4. The occasional threats to wear a “I’m [insert your name here]’s dad!” T-shirt.
I don't know about you, but whenever I asked my dad to “just be normal” he would always reply with, “So you don't want me to wear that T-shirt to your parent-teacher conference?”
5. The “Let me go load my shotgun before I meet your new boyfriend.”
The scene in "Twilight" where Bella’s dad prepares for the new man in her life easily depicts the same protectiveness that each father shows one way or another. Whether it's playing a prank on them or monitoring your new beau’s manners very closely, that's what dads are for.