- Remember to take a shower: If you feel grimey, you're going to function like you’re grimey. Plus you probably smell
- Take a nap: Yes, I know it’s 7:45 am and you have an 8:30, yes, I know you just stayed up all night to get that paper done you got two weeks ago. But I assure you- 45 minutes is a huge difference. Don’t forget to set your alarm!
- Go for a walk: The sun still exists, yes- so does the grass.
- Eat something besides dining hall food: I promise the stale bread and wet pasta salad isn’t helping. Get some friends together and bake some cookies, make a lasagna- even get McDonalds, just don’t eat dining hall food again
- Stop beating yourself up over grades: If you fail a midterm it’s not the end of the world. This is the hardest thing to let go of, especially as a freshman or a new student in a school. Remember that this grade is just one grade of the semester, and it’s not the final. You still have time to talk to your professors, work with them and have time to grow and improve.
Student LifeOct 17, 2016
5 Little Things To Make Your Midterms bearable
or at least help manage them