5 Literary Adventures | The Odyssey Online
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5 Literary Adventures

Books that keep you occupied for hours.

5 Literary Adventures

If there's one thing that I always struggle with during winter break, it's finding something to do. Yes, I wrote an article about how to be productive, but let's be real it's still break and still one of the last few breaks we'll have before we have to enter "the real world." So break is also a time when I retreat back to the days when I had more time to read for fun. The next five books are ones that are brilliant and quick reads.

1. Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult

Leaving Time was one of the first books by Jodi Picoult that I read, and since then I have been an avid fan. In this novel, she was able to touch upon the bond that is shared among family members and somehow weave in a mystery, as well.

2. The Cuckoo's Calling by Robert Galbraith

The first novel in the Cormoran Strike series, The Cuckoo's Calling will have you thinking for days. It follows Cormoran as he attempts to solve the mystery of the death of an international figure. Essentially, the novel is plot twists galore. It also helps that it's written by J.K. Rowling, so the writing is still the familiar script that we all adore (and there are two other books in the series, that are just as good if not better, that are simply waiting for you).

3. Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane

Ah, good ol' Leo was the star of this movie, but we all know that the movie will never be as good as the book is. So sit yourselves down and find out what really happened on this godforsaken island.

4. And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie

There isn't much that needs to be said when you see that Agatha Christie wrote it. The queen of mysteries delivers hit after hit and this is one of them, if not the one.

5. The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood leaves you wanting to know so much more than what is written. It's beautiful and brilliantly addresses the faults in our society through the depiction of a dystopian society. I highly recommend that you read the novel before the TV series comes out.

Well, y'all, get to reading! :)

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