Lifestyle changes are needed when you want your life to change. I have always wanted to be more thoughtful about the environment. I also have always wanted to be a healthy eater.
1. I have tried to become more environmentally conscious.
I have been starting to think about the environment more and more lately. I have started using glass tupperware to store food in because it is better for you and the environment. I also have started trying to use less electricity and less plastic. I try to use reusable bags when shopping and I reuse plastic bags when I can.
2. I have started to try and be more conscious about what I eat.
I have tried to eat only healthy food. I have limited the amount I eat each day, and the amount of calories I eat each day. I have tried to get some things that are organic. I also try to eat more fruits and vegetables than I used to. I want to feel healthier and treat my body better by eating things that will make me healthier.
3. I have become more honest.
I have tried to be more honest with everyone lately. I have been telling the truth all of the time lately. Before I was telling the truth most of the time, but sometimes I would tell a white lie. Lying is no good and will cause problems in the relationships you have with the people you lie to. I don’t want to lie to people I care about.
4. I have tried to become more social.
Lately I have been going out and doing things instead of sitting around at home. I have been hanging with new people and doing fun things. In the past I used to just want to have people come over, but lately I have wanted to go out and do things so I don’t just sit around all day. This summer has been my busiest summer yet. I had a job, I hung out with friends, and I spent a lot of time with my family.
5. I am trying to only have relationships with people I trust and value.
I have lost many friends throughout the years. The ones that have stuck by me or met me throughout this journey that are still there for me are the people I value and trust. I love them all. They are there for me and they always care. I have been distancing myself from people who do not value my friendship.
These lifestyle changes are for the better. They have made me a physically and emotionally healthy person. I feel that if I keep making these changes I will begin to become a completely new person. I want to become the person I have always strived to be and so i am making these changes to do that. I hope that these changes will do that. I hope that I can continue to do these things in the future.