Pursuit Of Wonder is a YouTube channel that has videos perfect for giving you an existential crisis–but there is something to be gained, too. Their videos have truly valuable life lessons, that are useful to remember every day of your life. Whenever I'm feeling particularly stressed or worried, I try to remember the messages from these YouTube videos. Check out the Pursuit of Wonder's YouTube Channel for more videos like these.
The Only Reason That Anything Happens Is the Reason You Give It
In life, we always try to make sense of everything that happens to us- good or bad. But sometimes, terrible things happen without any real reason. But it's up to you to give reason to everything - no matter how bad it may seem. You have the power to create meaning for yourself when you are unable to find any.
There Is No Such Thing As Good or Bad luck
This video really made me think about all the things that have happened in my life that I've considered "good luck" or "bad luck". Life is funny because "good" things can actually turn out to be bad in the long run, just like how "bad" things can have an unexpected positive side. At the end of the day, though, there's no way to know with certainty the cause or effect of anything that may happen- regardless of how it may appear in the moment.
Without Suffering, You Can't Know What Happiness Is
Without the struggles and trials we face in life, we wouldn't be able to appreciate the victories and joys. As much as we might want life to be perfect, this video made me think: what would that actually be like? What would it be like to not have to struggle to overcome obstacles, to strive toward something and feel the satisfaction of finally achieving it?
One Day No One will Remember Who You Were
While at first this seems really depressing, there is another way to look at it: that we should live our lives the way we see fit, do and pursue what makes us happy. When you look at your life in the grand scheme of things, and remember that everything is temporary, what seems daunting in the moment becomes not such a big deal.
Be Kind- Everyone Is Fighting Their Own Personal Battle
When we get really absorbed in our own lives and our own personal problems, it can be easy to become inconsiderate of others or judge them based on what we see. This video reminded me that there is always a reason behind other's actions that we can't see, that everyone has their own story. So no matter how much someone might annoy us, or what our first judgement might be, we should always strive to be kind.